Reason One ; I

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A WEEK HAD PASSED, and it was time for your first expedition.

You lied to Erwin when you said that you looked forward to going beyond the walls; the truth was, you wanted nothing more than to stay in your newly assigned bedroom and spend time with your loved ones, but he seemed desperate when asking you if you'd join him and a few other Squads so you took pity on him and accepted.

Your hands traced against your legs as you latched the last buckle of your ODM gear against your thighs. The metal against your hips reflected off of the shades in your eyes as you extended your arm, knocking twice against the gear to check its stability.

Your face stiffened as you heard a Section Commander begin a roll-call for all of the Scouts joining the small expedition.

You arched your neck up with a small groan as your name was finally called, feeling Erwin take your shoulder to gesture for you to come with him.
"You're to join my Squad for the time being."

Your eyebrow raised as you began to slowly follow after him, "Oh? But what about my old Squad?"

He adjusted the buckles that hugged his chest, shaking his head slowly, "You were all selected specifically to leave the walls due to your skills, so I think it's more fit that we spread you out amongst other Squads now that you're back."

"That makes sense."

Erwin sighed through his nose, a small smile beginning to linger upon his upper lip as he nudged you lightly, "Besides, I enjoy your company so it'd be nice having you around again."

You chuckled quietly before following him further, seeing the rest of his Squad begin to crowd around you as Erwin gave specific orders for the mission. Scouts slowly began to scatter from the group and drift down from the walls, readying their horses to leave.

The Commander's figure finally turned to you, "L/N, you're to stay at the edge to stop any titans from breaching to the rest of the Squad; I know that to can manage that."

Your eyebrow raised curiously, "Oh-.. That's an easier role than expected."

He patted you on the shoulder, slightly pushing you back, "Well, seeing as it's only your second week back, I wouldn't want to overwhelm you. You still need to get used to how we work around here again."

You saluted him in an orderly fashion, before leaving to go find your horse.


You swung your body over a thick branch, your blades reflecting off of the cold sun that shon above you.

A sharp gasp escaped from your lips, the wind taking your breath away as you tightened your grip around the handle of your blades, gliding them through the nape of a titan.

The steam warmed your skin like a fire.

You manoeuvred your fingers around the clutches of your gear, gliding towards the soft, grass floor. You struggled on your feet for a few moments, running your fingers along your temples.

"Good work, L/N!" You heard someone call as your lips curled into an arrogant smile.

A smoky aroma filled your nostrils, intoxicating your lungs as you laced your hands around your gear. Your body soared through the thick air, making your eyes water before you finally skidded back onto to your feet, meeting with your bronze horse.

𝟏𝟎 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now