Reason six

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You grabbed your breakfast in the Mess Hall, turning your body to go sit at your usual table with Hange, Moblit, Nanaba and Mike. You smiled as they each swiftly returned the warm expression.

"Mornin'." You beamed happily, placing your tray down inbetween Nanaba and Moblit.

"Hey, Y/N.." Nanaba grumbled through a mouthful of food, carelessly pointing the tip of her fork in your direction.

Moblit gently nudged your arm, "Good morning, Y/N." He calmly spoke, "How are you?"

"I'm great, thank you!"

Hange hummed under their breath, adjusting the thick glasses that rested on the crook of their hooked nose: "We've been talking about our love lives over breakfast."

Nanaba let out a sudden cackle, "Or more so, lack of."

Moblit sighed, pressing his palm against his forehead with a fatigued groan: "They've been trying to set Mike up with some girl."

Mike said nothing: just glanced blankly towards your direction with a condescending glare lurking in his eyes.

You chuckled under your breath, "I bet that's going great."

Moblit, Hange and Nanaba chuckled in response as Mike stayed silently enjoying his meal, barely listening to the conversation going on around him.


A while more passed as the morning drew later, the golden sun of the morning melting through the large windows that reached from the wooden floor to the tall ceiling.

You all laughed and joked together, enjoying the free time that you had together.

Levi eventually turned up as you watched him enter the Mess Hall from afar. He grabbed a bottle of water from the counter top before his silver eyes scanned around the large hall before Hange waved for him to come near; he began to sit beside Hange at the edge of the table.

"Hey, Levi." Nanaba began, "We're talking about past relationships - you got any good stories?"

His eyes immediately widened, before he pushed himself up from the table, attempting to leave: "Never mind, I'll just g-"

However, before the Captain had the chance to exit, Hange had laced their fingers around the cuff of his sleeve, dragging him back down. He shot them a glare, before swiftly giving in with a hoarse groan and seating himself back down.

You could hear someone on your table explain, "Oh!" Before beginning another story as your eyes slowly sank down, feeling a strange sense of awkwardness.

Your pupils tentatively dragged along the table, drifting up to the Captain. He sat inattentively with his elbow against the table, the muscles in his forearm large and tensed as he rested his sharp jaw on his fist.

You swallowed.

Levi's grey eyes were lazily half-opened; lilac bags blended with his dark lower lashes.

You pressed your thighs tightly together as his eyes finally locked onto yours. His brow raised with confusion, his soft lips mouthing 'what?' to you as you stared at him.

Not knowing how to respond, you childishly kicked his leg beneath the table, watching his figure flinch.

His lips parted with shock, before kicking you back.

𝟏𝟎 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now