Reason eight ; II

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you were woken on Sunday at the stroke of dawn to the radiance of the sun, feeling Moblit delicately nudge your figure to wake you.

With your bags already packed, you threw them over your shoulder, offering the man a tired smile before following him down the corridor.

Even at such an early start of the morning, Moblit never failed to exude his usual brightness.

You talked calmly at the anticipation of venturing further into villages you'd never heard of; "We need to be swift when getting to the boarders," The man began in his usual, soft tone, "Although night-fall is the best time, we should be safe with the time and route that Erwin has set for us to take. But still, it wouldn't hurt to stay on-guard incase of any titan attacks."

You listened with fatigue lurking in your eyes, admittedly struggling to keep up as you tiredly began to saddle up onto your brunette horse. Your fingers ran down her mane, lowering your head before beginning to steer her away, feeling Moblit soon follow.


Hours swiftly floated by.

Your horse rode down a steep hill, Mike silently riding close to you with the others in the far lead.

You made your way to a largely populated town towards the West of the Walls, known for its quaint beauty and fine cuisine.

Your eyes shon with a golden hue as the sun radiated off of your skin, your lips turning breathless as your thighs ached against the constant steps of your horse.

You lifted your drink up to your lips, gulping the chilling liquid down before sighing with little relief.

Your eyes slowly narrowed down onto the serene views around you; your tanned horse slowly trotted down an emerald-green hill, highlighted with dahlia's and marigolds. The sky was bright and sunny: only a couple in your group, discluding you, were wearing their gear incase of any titan attacks (that were already deemed unlikely due to your route).

You felt your eyes drift around, before finally landing on Levi just seven meters ahead of you, quietly making his way forward.

He was wearing ebony trousers that matched the shades of his cleanly shaved, under-cut; his usual, smart shirt was unbuttoned at the top, his classic cravat loosened around his neck only due to the heat.

His hips rode back and forth, only one of his hands firmly gripped around the reign of his horse. A slow sigh left his lower lip, his neck arching back as his adam's apple came into light; the golden hue of the shining sun cascaded highlights against his pretty face.

You picked up your speed to catch up to him, "Levi!"

He flinched at the sound of his name being called, hearing the hooves of a horse against the floor getting closer.
"Y/N." Levi's brooding voice sent chills down your spine as he recognised the sound of your voice, "Tsk.. what's up with you? You look like you've just had a slap to the face.."

"Thanks.." You began to ride beside him, "My thighs are killing me."

He scoffed, shaking his head slowly, "I'd offer my help, but I can't exactly do that whilst riding beside you: we're only about five minutes away now, anyway."

𝟏𝟎 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now