Reason Three ; I

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YOUR BODY LAY ALERT, your eyes fixed on the ceiling.

Each passing day melted into the other, becoming more boring with schedules and timetables by the hour; after a while, you began to loathe waking up to each passing day and prayed that the hours would swiftly roll into the night when you finally had time to yourself.

A sensation of 'home-sickness' swarmed in your stomach as you thought of your old bed: it wasn't the comfiest, sure, but it felt more like home than the Barracks you now stayed in.

However, you still considered yourself lucky that Erwin had let you stay in the spare bedroom down the hallway - an opportunity that only 'Higher Up's' were given. You hated sleeping in a dormitory; when your first became a Cadet, you clawed your ears each night at the sound of other girls snoring.

However, tonight, at three a.m: you found your body becoming more restless and alert as each second ran by.

A groan fell from your lips as you finally sat yourself up, overcome with a boredom.

You grabbed your shirt from your side, then a skirt you'd carelessly tossed to the floor. After finally slipping on your shoes, you ventured outside of your bedroom to find something to entertain you.

Your palm clasped around the crisp wallpaper; the maze-like hallways were barely lit up by the moonlight that scattered on the wooden planks below your feet.

Your fingers traced the edges of the chipped walls, your eyes slowly fluttering shut as you tried to figure out what you could do to fill the time.

Your eyes slowly ran up the corridor before easing at the sight of an open door - a room hazy with the golden light of candles. You curiously sped up your pace, your interest peaked as you almost began to jog closer.

However, you were left ever so slightly disappointed as your pupils ran onto Erwin's chest leant over his desk to fill in his paperwork. His brows were fixed together with agitation, his lips tightly pursed into a frown.

You leant the side of your body against the doorframe, raising your hand to knock your fist against his wooden door.

The Commander flinched at the sound.

He sighed through his nose as his blue eyes ran up your body, "Hm, Y/N, what're you doing up so late?"

"I could ask the same to you."

He gestured out his hands towards the stacks of sheets, "Can't you tell? I found a shit load of paperwork to fill in from Pixis, and he expects me to fill them all in by tomorrow morning."

You stepped into his office, closing the door behind yourself, "You're the Commander: can't you just decline?"

"You might be surprised, but that's actually not how it works."

You offered Erwin a faint smile before pulling a chair in opposition to his desk, folding one leg over the other; you leaned back into the cushioned seat, tilting your head.
"Well, you're in luck, because as it so happens that I can't sleep, and I'm on the verge of dying of boredom."

Erwin softly chuckled before dropping his chin, his figure mirroring yours as he rested his back against his desk-chair, "I'm not sure how exactly I can entertain you, but I'll sure try: as long as it gives me a break from my work."

𝟏𝟎 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now