Reason eight ; IV

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A NERVOUS CHILL CONSUMED YOU, Levi turned his face to you, nodding for you to follow after him to your room; the corridors had dark-oak floors made thuds against your feet as you followed after Levi, watching different numbers flicker past your eyes.

Room 09; Room 23; Room 38; You travelled up endless stairs before finally arriving at your room at the end of a small hallway. He pressed the key inside of the lock, twisting it open as he entered with his hands inside of his pockets.

You instantly threw your bags to the floor with a sigh of relief, massaging your palms with your fingertips, feeling your eyes begin to drift around the room.

There were just two rooms within the rental: a bathroom, and a bedroom: there was a dim, golden light above the double bed, and a tall cupboard filled with pillows and sheets.

You practically collapsed onto the soft, cushiony bed, a clean sensation greeting you back as you began to unintentionally dampen the bed covers.

Levi instantly frowned at the sight of the sheets greying from the water that dripped from you.

You sighed with relaxation, hearing the Captain soon enter the bathroom to grab a small, white, sheet of fabric; his figure sat close beside you on the bed, his grey eyes slowly narrowing up your soaked body as you tiredly stayed lying down.

Levi sighed with a cold glare, before leaning closer to trace the cloth beneath your nose to aid the blood that lightly stained your lips and chin from when you had fell.

"I'm going out for a smoke in a minute," He spoke, "I'll run down the street and get something fresh for you to wear, so you should shower whilst I'm gone." His brows formed a cringe, the edge of his lip tilting down, "You're filthy."

Your expression softened, extending your arm to lace your fingertips around his wrist, slowly tracing down to his hand.

"You're so sweet." You beamed.

His eyes rolled, juxtaposing with a faint hue of a smile beginning to form against his lips, "It's only because I don't want you getting the bed wet with your clothes, besides: you could get a cold, and I don't plan on catching one from you."


You towel dried your body in the bathroom, steam melting down the clean windows from the shower you had just had as you felt your body ease with the warmth of the misty air.

You could hear the main door open to the other room, keys being carelessly thrown to the side as Levi finally returned from the shop down the street; he knocked twice against the bathroom door.

"Come in." You called out, before hearing the door begin to squeak open.

Levi used his shoulder blade to push open the door, his figure soon entering inside as he held out some comfortable clothes in his arms, your eyes locking for a short second as you brought the towel closer to yourself to cover your chest.

He swallowed at the sight of you, seeing the water reflect off of your collar-bones and chest; his eyes locked onto yours for a second more, before glaring back towards the ground as you took them from his hands.

"They-.." His cheeks turned bright red, "This.. was the best I could find."

You smiled at his blush, "Thankyou, Levi."

He nodded his head before turning his shoulder and leaving without another word.

You sharply inhaled before forcing a calm demeanour: dropping your towel to the floor. You unfolded out the clothes infront of you: a comfortable, loose button up that fell to your mid-thigh. You laced it over your arms: it felt comfortable and soft against your skin.

You finally began to open the wooden door to the bedroom, your eyes immediately drawn to Levi: he pulled his bottoms up his thighs, his hair damp and pushed back from the rain, with just a couple of strands still covering his forehead. You could see the sharp muscles in his back and chest as he finally wandered over to the cupboard.

You watched his brows furrow as he glanced over to you, "Oi."

"Mhm?" You replied, sitting yourself down on the bed as you tiredly rubbed your eyes, struggling to look away from his figure.

He threw you a pillow: "There's, erm-.. Only one blanket." Levi finally spoke, before pulling out a soft, grey blanket, "Looks like we'll have to share."

You shrugged casually, leaning back as your fingers traced over the light, dimming the room with a bronze glare instantly.
"That's okay.. I don't mind." You responded casually despite feeling your heart race a little more.

He sighed before carelessly tossing you the blanket: you felt it's warmth instantly consume you with a sigh as you 'giggly' began to pull it over your body, feeling your body shiver constantly with an anxiety you couldn't help.

The blanket was small: or at least too small to spread across the entire bed.

You could hear the drumming of rain against the windows that brought you to a sense of relaxation instantly; the curtains were tightly closed to shelter the ebony-night sky outside. Thunder roared every few moments; you could see bolts of lightening strike as you flinched at the flash that would absorb the curtain.

You shuffled over to give the Captain room, watching his brows furrow as he finally began to sit himself down beside you: his shoulder against yours.
"Oi-.." Levi began in a low tone, "You're not taking the blanket all for yourself: I'm freezing."

You shifted your body to lie down against the comfy bed, "Touch luck." Your lips eased into a smirk, your body curling up as you began to swiftly grow more tired.

Levi groaned with his lips tightly shut.

You felt his bare chest press against your back as he pulled the blanket closer to his figure; he finally began to lie himself down - both of you lying closely to each other to share the warmth of the blanket.

You struggled to breathe with how close Levi was to you.

You could feel the natural warmth that his body radiated consume you entirely. His figure was mirroring yours.

A sigh slowly fell from your lips, "You're so warm." You murmured without thinking.

His eyes widened slightly, before you felt the muscles in his figure tense; he slowly traced his hand against your waist before firmly pulling you closer against him. You sharply inhaled at his touch, feeling his thighs lean closer against yours.

You shivered at his touch: not because you were cold, but purely because it was him. His warm breaths travelled against the back of your neck as you held each other close.

You laced your fingers around his, holding tightly onto his hand, before feeling yourself finally begin drift to a fatigued shut.

"Goodnight.. Y/N." He whispered against your neck as you held his hand tighter against you.

"Goodnight.. Levi."

𝟏𝟎 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now