Reason five ; II

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HIS EYES STARED AT YOU FROM OVER HIS BROAD SHOULDER, his middle and ring finger raising to gesture for you to follow after him. Your head pricked up as you immediately began to trail his steps.

You curiously followed him through the library.

You could feel the heat from the sun become shattered through the oak bars that a sheltered the windows; the air had turned far less humid, still very hot, but with a nice, chilling breeze as Levi suddenly turned the corner to face a glass-pane door.

Your eyes narrowed onto his slender silhouette as his fingers slowly reached to pull open the door; you realised that he was leading you to a terrace on the edge of the library - you didn't even know that it existed.

Levi awaited for you to draw further, his arm outstretched as you entered the balcony.

The view was tall, facing all the wooded land that arose around the Survey Corps Barracks; you could see villages from afar - different people taking part in daily activities.

You sighed with relief, feeling the warmth that radiated from the sky absorb your body completely. There wasn't a cloud in the sky; ebony birds soared above your head as you slowly wandered to the small, concrete fence that prevented people from falling over.

You sat so that your legs were facing the view, enjoying the beautiful sight that rested infront of you.

The Captain soon followed your movements and sat beside you.

You folded your legs for less than a second, slipping off your shoes so that they wouldn't fall into the abyss below your dangling legs. Your eye-lids slowly fluttered half-closed; you knelt your neck back, tilting your face up to the bright sky as you bathed in the sunlight.

Levi's face slowly turned towards you, his head tilting up, "Oi."


He paused for a few moments, letting out a sigh, "Where.. are you from?"

You felt a smile ease against your lips, "Why'd you ask?"

Levi's expression stiffened as his shoulders shrugged coldly, "Because. I would like.. us to find out more about each other."

You swiftly inhaled through your nose, your lips parting with slight shock.


He exhaled through his nose, "Why do you sound so shocked?"

"I just-.." You felt your heart race pick up, 'I kind of thought he didn't like me..'

You glanced back at the older Captain as he innocently looked at you, his eyes a little wider than usual with genuine curiosity. It was like he was trying to figure you out: putting pieces of you together bit-by-bit like a puzzle.

You swallowed, feeling your eyes nervously shift away, "I'm not from around here; I'm from a neighbouring village down East." You began, your eyes slowly dragging over to Levi as his eyes stayed fixed on the pretty view that stretched for many miles around you, "My family have all worked for the King and aimed for myself to do the same, which is why I became a Cadet."

Levi tilted his head, "You wanted to become a member of the Military Police?"

You nodded, "My family had all been MP's for many generations, and I wanted to follow. But then.. I realised what it meant to be one of them. And I knew that I couldn't live my life like that. I joined the Scouts alongside Hange."

"What.. happened with your family? If you don't mind me asking."

"We broke off contact as soon as they found out that I'd became a Scout. I haven't spoken with them since." You lowered your face to glare towards the trees that hung far below your feet, "My.. father is the Commander of the Mili-"

𝟏𝟎 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now