Reason nine ; III

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A DAGGER SLICED THROUGH YOUR BEATING HEART; that was the only way you could describe the sensation your body felt as the words slipped from Erwin's lips.

"You're being stationed with Lord Wald again."

Your lungs contorted, leaving you with no air to breathe; your ribs tightened to leave your chest in a slow, aching pain.

Your fingers slowly trickled upwards, covering your gaping mouth as your E/C eyes completely widened; you inhaled a sharp breath.

You clenched your jaw to shake your head adamantly, "You-.. No."

"What do you mean no?"

"I mean, I'm staying here!" You snapped, your fingernails digging deeply into the sensitive skin of your palms, "I was gone for over four years, and I've only been back for a few months! You can't force me to leave: I'm not!"

Erwin guiltily glared towards the ground.

"This isn't your choice to make, Y/N." The stranger slid a piece of crisp paper close to you, "You signed a contract four years ago that stated: wherever and whenever obliged, you would be under an oath to return to protect the land and castle of Lord Wald for the next teen years of being a Scout. This is true, correct?"

You felt your eyes sting, your fingers tightening around your lips as you struggled for words, "Please-.."

Pixis cleared his throat as you stayed paralysed in a constant state of shock, "I'm sorry, Y/N: I truly am. I know how well you've been enjoying your time home with all of your friends, but it must come to an end."

"I don't want to leave.." Your eyes slowly scanned up to the Commander, his sky-blue eyes locked onto yours as his lips tightened into a frown, "Please-.. Erwin, I'll do anything: I can't leave."

He parted his lips, but was soon cut off by the Officer: "With all do respect, Miss L/N: without any distinct reasons as to why you should stay, there's nothing that can be done. You're without children, or a position that is grounded within the walls."

Your head lowered, your hands slowly tracing up your arms; you'd barely locked lips with Levi, and now you would be forced to live hundreds of miles away. You first saw his face just under six months ago, yet the thought of never seeing him again; his soft, ebony hair; the glisten in his brooding, silver eyes; it left a dull, aching pain in your chest.

You remembered each conversation; each moment.

The way Levi had kissed you; so affectionate and slow, savouring the taste of your lips as he pulled your body close against him. How gentle his touch was when he eased his tongue against yours, painting patterns against your lips. Lacking experience, but without being told, you would've assumed the opposite; he made your body melt with his touch.

Your kisses were now in battle against a clock; one that was swiftly ticking until forcing you away.

You realised that Levi would never lock eyes with you again; you'd never feel that thudding in your chest when he looked your way, or see him slowly hint a smile that made your body ease into happiness at the sight.

His smile was the brightest part of your day: even when barely in sight, it never failed to melt at your heart.

Your eyes began to sting, your head lazily lowering to hide the glossiness covering your eyes, threatening tears to leave your eyes.

𝟏𝟎 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now