Reason seven ; I

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YOUR EYES BRIGHTLY SKIMMED AROUND, the bag on your shoulder beginning to ache as you handed your money to the shop keeper, being handed your drink and change.

"Thankyou." You nodded to the owner, before making your way to the next stall as you sipped lightly on your drink.

A smile slowly began to grow against your lips as the taste of your favourite drink became soaked in your taste-buds, a small, quiet groan slipping out beneath your breath as your eyes wandered around.

The Walls had changed drastically since four years ago. The people inside seemed more cheerful and delighted to see one and another; even the setting had changed, with pretty housing all around the main town of the Stohess District.

Stohess still had the old-timely romantic feel to it.. the same fresh and sweet scent in the air. You'd missed the sense of 'home' that came with this place.

You felt yourself subconsciously wander to the canal, your fingers tracing the concrete fence as you watched boats soar across the water.

Your eyes became intoxicated with the view of waves dancing in the summers wind.

You could hear the gasping of a group of people as the trotting of horses filled your ears; the hooves rattling against the concrete floors.

Your eyes slowly glanced over your shoulder to see where the sound was coming from; you gazed as a small group of Scouts began to make their way down the pathway - many people grouping to watch in awe.

You stepped forward with unease, beginning to join the group as you leaned forward look at the group slowly coming your way.

The tough part of being a Scout was saying 'goodbye' and departing with friends, unknowing on if you'd ever see them alive once more.

It was something you didn't miss whilst being away.

Your eyes became fixed onto each solemn face and body, curious on the stories that each story told.

And then.. your gaze softened as you saw him.

Levi sternly walked as Erwin rode beside him, both men discussing a matter you couldn't depict. His long, slender fingers were pushing back his ebony hair from his eyes, tiredly nodding along to each word that the Commander said.

Levi held a grey cigarette inbetween his index and middle finger, silver smoke escaping from his nose and lips as he slowly breathed out. His neck arched up with each breath, before he brought the cigarette back inbetween his lips to slowly breathe in the intoxicating smoke.

You watched as Erwin's eyes slowly locked onto you from afar, extending his arm to raise his fingers to his brow: his eyes trying to figure out if it was you, or just a look-a-like.

You raised your arm to wave, watching a gentle smile begin to grow against his lips.

He nudged Levi as you watched the Captain's eyes slowly lock onto yours. You felt your expression soften, your hand lowering back with reluctance before you began to slowly wander over to the two men.

"Y/N.." Your name has never sounded better than when Levi said it.

"Levi." You bashfully replied.

"Evening, Y/N." Erwin calmly called out, "What are you doing here? It's getting late."

You raised the bag that hung from your shoulders, watching Levi's eyes silently drift from you, to Erwin, then to you, and then back onto Erwin.
"I needed some things from the Market place, I'm just getting my last things now."

𝟏𝟎 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now