Reason Four ; II

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YOUR BODY FELL, practically collapsing onto a large pile of slabs. You heaved over your stomach as your fingers slowly laced around your wound.

A large group had created a station in the south of the forrest; tall boarders (previously made) manoeuvred to protect a large space of land. It was specifically made for regrouping so that Scouts could seek medical attention and resupply.

Your eyes slowly closed, hearing deep yells from afar slowly drown out as medics helped aid wounded soldiers; people who had ligaments torn from their body; people who were seconds away from death.

You felt pathetic sat there in pain whilst others truly suffered.

Hange had already left with Moblit to refill their fuel and have their blades checked whilst you sat yourself down to 'catch your breath'.

You held your head in your palms, realising that your hands were shaking.

You could feel a shadow slowly step towards you.

A deep cough grabbed your attention, forcing your head to perk up as Levi stood just inches away. He gestured out his arm, offering you a chilling bottle of water as you gave him a faint smile.

"Thank you.." You weakly murmured, taking it from the man's hands.

Levi's broad shoulders shrugged, "Don't worry about it."

You intensely laced your fingers around the cap, lifting it to your lips as you downed the fresh, ice-cold water harshly. A trickle spilled down your chin as your eyes closed, before you let out an exasperated gasp, wiping the line of water off of your face.

His brow raised as stretched his arms, pushing his ebony hair from his brooding eyes, "Were you really that thirsty?" He scoffed with sarcasm lurking in his tone.

You rolled your eyes, "I think I'm on the verge of burning to death. I need to be somewhere cooler."

Levi's silver eyes rolled as he sat himself down beside you, his knee touching yours, "The more I get to know you.. the more I'm realising how dramatic you are, Y/N L/N."

You raised a finger, "Don't try me, Levi."

He scoffed with a hint of a smile: your heart skipped a beat at the sight.

Levi's smile was faint and simple, barely visible against either crooks or his soft lips. His eyes looked less cold than the previous night and more relaxed when he stared at you, watching you once again begin to chug the water.

Although, the small grin had left his lips as quick as it had arrived, "The.. library's the coolest place in the barracks; you can hide behind the shadows of the shelves, and there's large vents in the walls." Levi paused for a few moments before hitting his knee harshly against yours to force your attention onto him, "I'll-.. I'll go with you after this mission, I want to check out some of the new books they have in there, anyway."

A genuine grin quickly formed against your lips.

"Yeah, that sounds nice."

He gave you a nod back.

"Thank you.. Levi."

"Don't worry about it."

You slowly placed the water bottle against your stomach to act as an ice pack, your neck arching up to look at the sky as you felt throbs of pain ache deeply inside of you.

𝟏𝟎 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now