Reason eight ; VI

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YOU LEFT THE MAIN TOWN, now surrounded by thick meadows filled with crops and hay as you slowly trotted down the main, compressed-dirt pathway.

You weren't sure how much time had passed, but the journey was dragging on further than you had anticipated. You groaned, leaning your head forward so that your forehead was pressed to Levi's back: you sighed with boredom once more.

Levi scoffed, a faint hint of a smile lingering against the corner of his soft lips, "Try not to hide your enthusiasm."

"It's taking so long to get there.."

"Quit your complaining!"

Your eyebrow raised as you began to smirk, "Or what?"

Levi slowly turned his shoulder with a scoff, shaking his head, "Excuse you? What do you mean or what?"

"I mean what are you going to do if I don't stop?"

Levi's eyes slightly widened, before you watched his surprised expression slowly turn into a sinister smirk; his hand slowly leaned back against you, lifting your arm to trace it against his chest.

You raised your brow with confusion, feeling him force your hand to hold tightly onto his stomach.
He turned back around, finally letting go of you, before muttering hoarsely under his breath: "Hold onto me tightly, Y/N."

"But, why-?"

However, before he you had chance to finish your sentence, you felt him harshly tug at the reigns, before the horse swiftly began to gallop forward through the different lanes.

You let out a sharp yelp, instantly running your arms around his muscular torso - you held him tightly; your right leg tightly hooked around his, feeling scared yet excited as your lips curled into an open smile.

You laughed loudly, clinging onto him.


An apple tree stood in the middle of a field as Levi finally slowed down on his horse, your cheek pressed against at his back.

He turned his dark-brown horse to the side, beginning to steer it towards the large emerald tree: it sheltered a large spot of ground with daisy's and buttercups dotted all around the soft grass.

A sigh of relief left both of your lips as you finally left the radiance of the blazing sun.

You climbed off of the horse as he did the same, tying the reign to a thick, oak branch.

You seated yourself down against the cushiony grass below you, watching Levi's silhouette slowly travel to sit with his back against the tree. He arched his neck downwards, his body slowly relaxing as you watched his eyes close with fatigue.

Another sigh left his lips.

You laced your fingers down towards the grass, lifting a daisy up from the ground: you embedded your thumb-nail into the slender stem. You lifted another daisy, your eyes squinted as you slowly began to hook the stems into each over.

Levi's eye cracked open, one of his legs crossing over the other with his head resting against his wrists.
"What do you think you're doing?" He asked you in a cold tone.

"Making a daisy-chain." You calmly replied, a gleeful smile creeping upon your lips as you finally managed to hook one over the other: "I'll make you a crown if you want!"

𝟏𝟎 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now