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THE SKY WAS BLEAK, the air smelt of rich roses with a breeze of honey.

The end of your back ached deeply as you emptied your wardrobe, hearing the hallways become more perturbed by the second as your Squad Members collected their belongings from their dormitories.

You opened your next trunk, folding your shirt over your knee before meticulously placing it against the corner of your luggage.

You folded another shirt; then the next, moving through different items of clothing with an almost mournful expression.

"Hey, L/N?" You heard an officer call your last name, their cheeks flushed with fatigue as their body leant against your doorframe, "Are you ready to leave?"

"Almost. I'll be ready in about five minutes."

They nodded, "Great; let's keep it moving, the carriages leave in ten and we have to be back within the walls before sunrise to avoid any attacks."

You felt home sick despite not having left yet: "Got it, I'll be quick."

They smiled before leaving to check on your other Squad members.

You swallowed, arching your neck up to look at the ceiling above you: the same ceiling you'd stared at every night for the past four years of your life. The bulb was cracked and dim, barely shedding any light onto your bedroom; the old, malting walls looked like they were about collapse on you at any moment.

After packing the last of your belongings, your palms clasped around the cuffs of your luggage, dragging them off of your mattress.

You stepped towards the door, turning your head to wish your bedroom your last goodbyes.

Your Squad-mates greeted you with a sorrowful pat on the back as you followed your Captain down the hallway. Your heart raced so fiercely that it hurt your chest.

You walked out of the building hurriedly, hearing someone's hand clasp around yours to help you board the carriage that would escort you back to the Walls.

You sat yourself at the edge, instantly feeling a wave of fatigue take over your entire body as you perked your head out of the open window.

The stars twinkled above you, deepening each feature of you face as your eyes glowed with silver highlights.

You heard a man fiercely call out something you couldn't quite understand, before the horses swiftly began to trot along the plains.

Your head slowly sunk against the wall beside you, your eyes tiredly closing as you tried to imagine what it would be like seeing your friends and home after being gone for four whole years.


Your body flinched as the carriages came to a sudden halt, hearing people yell orders at eachover.

Golden light barely seeped through the window beside your head, waking you up from a deep sleep.

The gate way was drawn open by Garrison's as your carriage began to plough further forward to finally enter the Walls. Your eyes lit up as you realised that you were finally home, your head perking out of the window with curiousity in your eyes.

You slowly breathed in the morning air, feeling your body shift above the carriage that rumbled on the dirt floor.

You held tightly onto your cases, an anxious sigh escaping from your lips as you drew closer to the Scouts Barracks.

You clutched tighter onto the handles, slowly breathing in the familiar air as your body became stimulated with the scent of memories from when you had last stepped foot in the walls.

You felt the carriage finally stop moving.

You breathed out slowly, your chest having a tightness that seized each breath. Your E/C eyes slowly drifted shut as you heard your Squad mates begin to smile with glee that you were home.

They practically sprinted out of the carriage, being reunited with a group of awaiting Scouts and family members that had arrived to greet their loved ones who had been away for so long.

You breathed in once again, this time slower than the last to try and cure your racing heart.

"Y/N!" You finally heard a voice call out from outside as your eyes immediately lit up, "Over here!"

You inhaled a short gasp, forgetting your luggage as you sprinted towards the doors, your eyes scanning the area before finally meeting with Hange.

Your fingers clasped around your lips, shielding your smile as they waved at you with a grin against their teeth.

"Hange!" You called out, feeling as the Scout instantly collapsed into your open arms. You laughed aloud, your body overcome with joy as you tightly held onto their body.

They ran their fingers to the back of your neck, pulling you harshly against their figure, "I missed you so much."

Hange's body slowly slipped away from yours, their fingers clasping around yours as they held onto you tightly.

"Well, I'm back now, aren't I?" You chuckled, feeling the carriage-driver hand you your luggage as Hange took one of your bags,

With their fingers still laced around yours, they pulled you into the large barracks.

The Barracks looked the exact same as when you had left for further plains; the same, verdant flags above the ivy covered bricks that illustrated the 'Survey Corps' symbol. There was a wooden, hazel stable beside the large building: tanned horses neighed as different people groomed their manes. A fiery dust lingered all around, intoxicating the air around you; the aroma of cigarette dust filled your lungs as you deeply breathed in.

Hange dragged you through the main entrance, rambling carelessly about what life there had been without you; Hange had been one of your closest friends since first day of training at the age of twelve - someone who you'd always found yourself admiring for the positivity they seemed radiate in any given circumstance.

Their grip tightened around your hands as you turned a tight corner, a smile staining your teeth.

You turned yet another corner, however, was caught of guard as a large body stood in your way: muscular arms stiffly crossed over his chest, looming over you both before you watched a grin slowly plaster against his teeth as he realised who he was faced with.

Erwin's arms instantly relaxed, opening towards you as your arms traced his torso. Your face pressed against his chest, feeling his arms slowly wrap around you with a soft chuckle.

"Erwin.." You whispered against him, slowly letting go as the Commander sighed through his nose, "It's so good to see you."

He placed his hand firmly against your head, "The same goes to you, Y/N; I'm glad you're back home."

You lowered your head, your fingers rubbing against the back of your neck, "Home. That feels a little strange seeing as I haven't been here in so long."

Hange's palms placed against your shoulders, squeezing gently, "Well, you'd better get used to it soon."

𝟏𝟎 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now