Reason nine ; I

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LEVI'S EYES GLISTENED BENEATH THE SUNLIGHT; the golden hue sculptured each feature of his face.

You watched the tips of the cold man's lips slowly curl up: a sight you'd grown so swiftly infatuated by. He struggled for words, just parting his lips yet finding that nothing was able to come out.

He looked off to the side, beginning to rub the sore spot of his neck as that same shade of crimson plastered his cheeks.

Levi had told you that he'd never been in a relationship; at that moment, you pondered if you were his first kiss.

He sighed slowly through his nose before raising his fingertips, brushing them against yours. Your face eased.

His expression gained seriousness as he ran his free fingers against the edge of your jaw, tracing them along the soft, sensitive part of your neck to hold your face close.

"I've wanted that for so long.." He whispered beneath his breath, "Your lips feel so soft.. I could kiss you all day."

"Then why don't you?"

He let out a surprisingly soft chuckle, before pecking his lips against yours twice more: the second peck much longer than the first. He pressed his forehead against yours, rubbing his lips together as if to savour your taste.

"Oi," His brooding voice began, "How about we go to the main town? I can buy you something to eat, if you'd like."

You tilted your head with a smirk: "Like.. a date?"

"Yes; I want to take you on a date." He began to smile, standing himself up, "Lunch; a walk; a ride; anything you want, and I'll do it with you."

Levi extended his arm, his slender fingers soon lingering around yours to help you up from the ground; you could still taste his lips against you - your heart refused to calm down.

You giggled a little, "You're not going soft on me, are you?"

"Fuck off." His face snapped to a cold expression, shaking his head: "I'm not here to fuel your ego, idiot."

You laughed in response. And then you slowly began to ride back to the main town.


Your arms were loosely wrapped around Levi's waist, one of his hands clasped against yours to hold you close. Your cheek was pressed against his shoulder, tiredly feeling the horse rock beneath your feet.

The streets seemed slightly more isolated than before; or at least that was until you'd turned a corner - large groups of people covered the streets, staying in small circles as they discussed topics you couldn't understand.

You raised your brow, lifting your head.

"What's going on over there?" Levi spoke as your hands slowly fell from him.

"I have no idea: let's go check it out."

He nodded before slightly picking up his pace to get closer. The smell of anxiety lingered instantly in your nose as your eyes slowly dragged along the area, unsure on why the civilians looked so disheartened.

A woman's hand was clasped over her chest; a man paced back and forth with whilst someone tried to calm him down; a child crying whilst being comforted by apprehensive parents; different groups yelled and attempted to console eachover.

Levi looked down at an elderly man, barely able to hear his discussion, "Excuse me."

"Mm?" The elderly man responded.

"What's going on here?"

The elderly man's eyes widened, "Haven't you heard?" He gasped, "The wall down South has been infiltrated by the 'Colossal Titan'."

Your heart dropped.

Your fingers embedded into Levi without realising, feeling your head suddenly lighten with a shot of fear coursing through your veins; you glanced over to Levi, praying that this was some sort of misunderstanding.

More anxiety riddled through your blood as your eyes locked onto his face; his horrified expression matched yours.

"W-.. What?" You murmured to him.

You could see his lips carry on moving as he explained the situation that had become prevalent through each neighbouring town, yet none of it processed through your mind as you struggled to think.

Your mind fogged, feeling Levi instantly began to ride the horse in the opposing direction as you sat in a state of shock, barely holding onto him.

You thought of the last time the wall was infiltrated, just weeks before you had left for Lord Wald; you thought of how many soldiers were killed; how many innocent lives lost - children, families, people who had never even thought of seeing a titan now dead by their hand. With little preparation, you'd barely made it out alive with only a small group of evacuees you'd managed to aid: you thought of how many innocent people were screaming for your help before being crushed by titans and boulders from the wall.

Your fingers dug further into Levi as he made his way as quickly as possible to the meeting spot, others in your group swiftly meeting with you as you stayed silent; unmoving.

Erwin yelled words you couldn't understand; the group swiftly began to leave out of the town.

Levi's hand stayed clasped against yours, desperate to ask if you were okay, but knowing that you weren't: and worse, he had no time to help you.


When you got home, it was just like the man had said:

nothing but deceased bodies greeted you back.

𝟏𝟎 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now