Reason eight ; III

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With the next day passing, you finally finished your final meetings in the evening of 'day two' of your trip, allowing you to spend time with your friends.

Your arms were loosely wrapped around the hips of Nanaba as you rode on the back of her horse; your cheek resting against the muscles on her back. Hange was riding beside you both, all of you making plans to spend the evening shopping in the unknown area.

You climbed off of her horse before following after her as you all mindlessly talked about what you aimed to buy.

"I think I'll meet up with you both later," You nodded, holding your bag close against you, "I need to get a few things from the shops down the street and I wouldn't want you two to have to wait for me: it's going to be pretty boring."

"You sure? It's meant to storm later, I wouldn't want anything bad to happen whilst you're alone here. It's due to get dark too, soon."

You offered Hange a smile, "I'm fine, honestly: I'm used to getting to know new areas swiftly. I'll meet you both in two hours?"

"15th Avenue." Nanaba added, offering you a faint smile, "Don't keep us waiting."


Your fingers were tightly clasped around your bags, beginning to ache deeply as your eyes slowly drifted to the window outside of the old-fashioned shop you were waiting inside.

Trickles of icy water fell down the window-panes, staining the glass with a thick chill. The streets were beginning to fog with rain; the sky was gloomy with ebony shades. Night was soon to come, yet the rain refused to end, and your body was only sheltered with summer clothes.

"Excuse me?" The shop keeper finally said as you flinched back into reality, realising that you were holding the que up, "Can I help you?"

"I'm sorry," You sheepishly responded, beginning to slide your items over before handing over your money: "Do you by any chance know whereabouts 15th Avenue is? I can't seem to find it."

The shop-keeper offered you a blinding smile before handing you your change, "15th? That's about thirty-minutes away: just take a left after you reach the post office, then follow the main pathway until you get to the fountain. From there, just carry on past the Old-Mill pub and you'll reach it."

Your brows furrowed, "Thirty minutes?"

They shrugged, "If you travel by carriage, yes."

You swallowed, aware that you had already been gone for past two hours: if Nanaba arrived and realised that you weren't there, she would leave straight away - Hange would wait a few moments more, but eventually give in due to the heavy rain that was currently flooding the streets.

You tightened your grip around your bags, before your eyes narrowed onto the door, realising that you might as well just start running back to the inn that you were reserved to stay in: the trouble?

The inn was on the edge of the opposing side of town.

You crossed your arms tightly over your chest before stepping out of the shop, instantly gasping at the heavy rain that immediately drenched your body.

You forced your body forward to sprint through the concrete carvings of the roads, feeling each splash absorb your legs as you flinched with each step. Your skin was erupting in constant shivers.

𝟏𝟎 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now