The Rules of The Maze

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I woke up early that morning not remembering how I got to my bed. I concluded that Newt must've carried me while I was asleep last night.

I sighed and whispered, "Newt," under my breath. I didn't know what to do with what I knew about him. I felt I couldn't tell anyone. I thought giving him my name would trigger the same painful memories I had but they didn't. I saw what I thought to be some remembrance that quickly faded as the sun set in the sky.

I would have to tell him eventually. He would have to understand and know the truth about me and the truth about him.

"You ready to go Greenie?" A voice said startling me from where I stood.

I recognized the boy to be Minho. He looked intense as he stood there with a serious expression on his face. It seemed almost forced but after so many times in the maze one must become that way.

"Actually it's Marie now," I said proudly. Thank goodness I could remember my own name now. It's my one self piece I have left.

He gave me a smile and a nod. "Well we ought to get to the doors before they open. I believe Newt is already there waiting."

My heart skipped a beat when I heard Newt's name and I nodded in agreement. I grabbed some string for my hair and some shoes and we were off towards the beckoning closed doors of the maze.

The air felt heavy and warm as we approached the group. I didn't know any of the other boys but they all had the same meek expressions. Newt smiled warmly at me as I walked up and stood next to him. My heart felt guilty of what I knew and I felt I couldn't breathe. Luckily Minho began to talk. Finally something to focus on.

"Alright listen up runners: This is nothing new for you but we do have ourselves a new runner of sorts." Said Minho.

"I'd just like to restate the rules of the maze; they are a bit different from those of the Glade. Rule number one: always keep running. You only have one time to stop and that is for a very short lunch at mid day. Rule number two: try and remember your way back. The maze changes daily so don't try and follow the same passage every time. Rule number three: always get back before the doors close. These are the three standard rules of the maze. You also have a backpack stocked with supplies for a day."

Just then the ground began to rumble. Correction, the maze was rumbling along with the doors. Bits of stone fell from the doors as they opened revealing an eerie dark passage. I knew of these walls too well for my own good.

Newts quiet yet familiar voice rang in my ears as he gently touched my shoulder. "Get bloody ready because we start in 3... 2... 1..."

The doors finally stopped and we all took of running into the depths of the maze.

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