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"Enough!" A strong voice called from the back of the Gladers. The wide eyed boys parted their circle around us to reveal a stern looking Alby.

"Newt and Gally come with me, we have matters to discuss," he said.
Newt bit his lip and followed behind a smug Gally to another building.

Alby then turned to look at me.
"Chuck take the Greenie to the med jacks and get that cut looked at. All other Gladers, back to your work!"

With that all the boys ran off to their jobs. The youngest boy, Chuck, approached me with a weak smile and told me to follow him.

"Did you enjoy your tour of the Glade, you know before all the punching and fighting?" Chuck said grinning. I could tell he was trying to make me smile so I did.

"Yes, it was quite nice," I said laughing lightly, "but... I'm just sad that Gally and I didn't get to hang out more." I pretended to pout and stuck my lower lip out.

Chuck laughed revealing his sweet smile and said, "I don't think anyone in the Glade wants to hang out with Gally more than they have to."

I liked Chuck, he reminded me of the humor and hope that was really lacking in the Glade.

Soon we entered the same hut I remembered waking up in only a few days ago. Chuck told me to sit on the wooden bed while he went to go get Clint, one of the med jacks.

While he was gone I heard voices coming from one of the near buildings.

"Gally you know the rules, we do not harm other Gladers. You helped create those rules and should abide by them." A voice I presumed to be Alby said.

"She's not a Glader," the unmistakable voice belonging to Gally said plainly.

"She is now," said Alby, "Which brings me to my next matter, she will be assigned a job just like any other Glader. I'm assigning her to being a runner. She will work with you Newt."

"Work with Newt?" I thought to myself, "I do trust him the most but I still can't shake the feeling that we are connected somehow. Why do I think of him as Isaac and not Newt? What can't I remember that would help explain all of this?"

"I don't know Alby... Her a runner?" Newt's accented voice said.

Alby sighs, "She trusts you the most Newt, besides, she has knowledge of the maze. It is only logical that she would be a runner. I also wouldn't want to leave her in the Glade and another incident like today happen."

"I see, so the mistake of the maze returns to the maze" Gally said tauntingly.

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