The Wall

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I turned around to see Gally's fiery eyes burning into mine. His unpleasant scowl was evident on his face.

"No, of course not!" I said all too quickly to the fuming boy behind us, "I-I was just looking at this wall here. It's um, pretty big..."

His face remained in the same contorted expression as before. I mentally slapped myself for such an idiotic response.

"Really, you couldn't think of anything better than 'pretty big,'" I thought to myself.

Newt seemed unfazed. He simply sighed and said, "I was just telling her about the rules Glade. We wouldn't want her careless behavior to upset the balance of the Glade."

Gally considered this and nodded with caution. "Fine, consider this your lucky day. Now let's go, it's time for your tour of the Glade."

He started walking away through the meadow.

Meanwhile, I still stood puzzled at Newt's statement. His words hurt a bit but perhaps I was being over sensitive.
My "careless behavior?" I took this into consideration but shook it off.
My emotions were all over the place but I still felt like I knew Newt.

"We don't have all day! C'mon Greenie," Gally's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh yeah, sure!" I replied trying to act like I'd been paying attention.

My eyes unintentionally searched for Newt but he was already gone. "Always the one to go off and disappear," I thought to myself.

Gally was already walking back through the meadow to the center of the glade. I could hear his harsh mumbles about girls and greenies. I started laughing to myself laughing at his cockiness and ridiculousness of this entire scenario.

Apparently my laughs were not quite enough. Gally turned around and gave me a harsh look. Although he was trying to remain angry, there was a slight smirk on his lips. He motioned for me to hurry up and shouted, "C'mon Greenie, we don't have all day!"

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