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I opened my eyes to see Gally on the ground wiping blood from his mouth. Newt was standing in between us almost protectively with his back to me.

Newt had truly appeared out of nowhere. I strained my memory trying to remember him being anywhere near Gally and I before the fighting, but he hadn't been. I soon realized their were other eyes were watching us. The Gladers had begun to gather around us. They all seemed intrigued and alarmed by Newt's sudden outburst.

"Bloody hell Gally!" Newt shouted. It seemed so unlike him to stand their with his fists balled up at his sides. The once whispering Gladers all became dead silent.

"Haha, are you serious Newt? Coming to her rescue, how sweet!" Gally remarked sarcastically.

Newt did not say a word. He stared back at Gally with piercing eyes.

"Newt she's not one of us. We don't know anything about her. She breaks the balance we have in the Glade. Her existence here will make us question everything we fought so hard to understand. Why can't you see that she is nothing but a mistake of the maze?" Gally was beginning to stand up as he spoke.

"Everything here is a mistake Gally. No one volunteered to live this life; we didn't choose it. How can you possibly assume that she chose it?" Newt spoke with such sincerity and strength.

Gally now stood completely upright shaking his head with disbelief.

"Wake up Newt, it's been two days! We know nothing about this girl and you're acting like you've known her your whole life. Why come to her defense when I'm the one who's been here with you since the beginning of this nightmare?"

Newt was quiet and turned his head toward me. I could only see half of his face, but I could tell he was confused.

As another minute passed, he turned around completely to face me. Newt's eyes met mine for the first time since I'd gotten here. They were full of an emotion I couldn't quite register.

His eyes searched mine for the answers to it all; I had none to give.


Hope y'all are enjoying the fanfic! I stopped writing for awhile but now I'm back. Hope everyone likes it!

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