Memories in the Night Part Two

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The car ride was long and boring. I sat across from Ms. Paige who remained on her cellphone for the duration of the trip. The windows were painted black so I couldn't see out of them. I had no idea where we were headed; all I felt was abandonment.

Suddenly, it all became too much. The images spun faster and faster. It was impossible to take in at once. I felt like I was drowning in the memories. I was sweating and gasping for air. Flashes of Isaac being dragged off in front of me lingered in my brain. It felt like a heavy weight on top of me. He saved me! The only piece of sense I could gather from the flashing images.

I felt someone shaking me as I gasped for breath. I was thrashing trying to break free. I felt the warm tears streaming down onto my cold cheeks.

"Marie! Wake up, please!" A voice called begging me to awaken. I felt gentle hands securing my wrists. I opened my eyes suddenly faced with a contorted and blurry image. I stopped thrashing my arms and breathed deeply. After a moment, the unknown figure let go. He gently caressed my cheek, wiping away the tears before letting his hand drop to his knees.

"Isaac?" I whispered. My mouth was scratchy and dry.

"No.. It's Gally." The voice said timidly.
The blurry image came into focus. Gally was kneeling by me. I must've fallen out of the hammock onto the grass. My whole body was sore and I felt completely drained. His presence normally would have shocked me, made me repulsed and defensive, but this time something was different. I could see the concern on his face as if that harsh unfeeling exterior he had on had suddenly fallen off to reveal a real human being. His eyebrows furrowed together and he said slowly, "Are you ok Marie? You do remember me right?"

"Yeah," I said shaking my head, "sorry I just.." My voice trailed off. I felt out of it. I hadn't felt this way since the day I woke up in the maze.

Gally reached his hand up slowly and placed it under my chin. He turned my head from side to side as if he was inspecting me. He bit his lip nervously as he searched for something wrong.

His eyes were so concentrated and determined as he observed my face. He seemed relieved after he'd found nothing wrong on my face and to my surprised cupped his hand behind my head and pulled me into an embrace.
"Thank god," he mumbled quietly as we hugged. He held me tightly, almost desperately as if we hadn't seen each other in years. I didn't understand this sudden change in his behavior. This must be another memory or delusion. It was impossible for this to be happening.


That wonderful voice that could melt my heart broke the silence. I was suddenly torn back to reality. I began to push on Gally to let go of me. Gally eventually released his heavy grasp only to put back on a mask of anger and rage. He stood up looking at me as if he were checking once again to that I was ok. He turned and stepped away from me, but his shadow still loomed over me blocking my vision from Newt. I stretched my neck out slightly peering around Gally's big frame.

I really need to explain this. These two look like they are about to kill each other. I don't even understand what is happening.

They both exchanged a glance and then turned to look at me as I began to stand up. I raised my arms in surrender and began to speak.

"What-" I started to say, but darkness was seeping into my vision. The view was splotched with black dots and I felt myself beginning to lose balance. The world was most definitely spinning a lot faster than I was used to. Their harsh stares turned into ones of concern.

"Catch her!" Someone yelled. My vision went black and I plummeted to the ground feeling its painful impact on my already aching body.

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