Morning in the Glade

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It had only been a day since I was found in the maze. I would say I want to go home, but I have no memory of that place. Isn't it strange how someone can long for something they can't even remember.

I shook the emotions away and tried to focus on the day ahead of me. I was going to be toured around the Glade and assigned a job. This was a relief because I needed something to do. I needed a distraction from my desperation. Most importantly, I needed an escape from this place.

The sun had barely risen over the wall, but I was wide awake. I rolled out of my cloth hammock trying not to make a sound. I looked behind me to see the others fast asleep in their hammocks. Their faces held various emotions: some sad, some happy as if they were dreaming of home, and some angry as they scowled at whatever troubled their sleeping mind.

I quickly slipped on my shoes and tied back my lengthy hair with some string that was used to hold one of the older hammocks up.

I ventured out into the openness of the Glade and felt the warm sunlight fall onto my skin. The swaying grass grew tall and thick vines climbed the surrounding walls. As I looked around observing the workstations and small huts, the tightly sealed maze doors caught my attention.

I jogged over to the large stones, tracing their cracks and crevices with my bare hands. My smooth touch felt the cold roughness of the maze wall. My mind was elsewhere as I pondered the strange maze.

"You know it's against the rules to be this close to the entrance of maze," an all too familiar voice spoke from behind me, "but you don't seem the type who follows the rules very well."

I turned my head slightly to see Newt standing behind me with a slight smile on his lips. My hand remained pressed to the cool wall and I searched my brain for some sort of reaction.

He did not seem to expect a response and was instead staring at my outstretched hand with insightful eyes. He stepped closer to me and reached his hand over my shoulder so that he could trace the cracks as I was doing. His fingers brushed my skin as he traced the wall next to my hand.

"These walls are our protection and our captor. It's strange how some things can act so good but be such strong forces of evil." He said quietly near my ear.

"Am I interrupting something?" An angry voice said from behind us.


I am sorry it has taken me so long to update. I hope everyone is enjoying this book so far. I am excited to say that I have been working on the next couple of chapters and will be updating again very soon.

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