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"Remember what though?" I said with a heavy sigh. This whole situation was going way over my head.

"So is this all some sort of psychological torture then? They want me to remember everything I've lost... Everything we've lost?" I continued shaking my head, "Well they've gotten me upset, now what?"

"Listen Marie, you cannot trust anyone in the Glade anymore-" Gally started saying right before Newt cut in.

"No. She simply just needs to be careful. We can all take shifts watching her and staying by her side 24/7." Newt said calmly.

"I'm not being babysat by you all." I said angrily.

"It's for your protection," Newt insisted.

"I'll go start the manhunt. I'll round up the guys." Gally said, hastily making his way out of the hut.

"Hold on, just stop!" I said before things got chaotic. "There will not be a manhunt. This guy is probably just as confused as we are. If he was sent up in the box; he doesn't remember either."

"There's a possibility he wasn't sent up in the box ," said Gally, "and that's our problem."

"So you're saying he could be like me?" I asked pondering such an idea.

"No. Not at all." He said sternly.

"What if I know him?" The words slipped out before I had a chance to think them over.

At this, Newt's face changed to one of anger and discomfort. He clenched his jaw and began playing with his hands.

"I've started to remember a bit more, that's all. I doubt I even would." I said trying to do some damage control.

I took some careful steps toward Newt.

"Hey," I said gently, "why don't we go for a walk? You can take fist watch. But just so you know I can totally take care of myself." 

I smiled brightly when he slightly nodded.

Gally huffed from behind me.

"Alright well I'm still having my man hunt. If this person is hiding in the Glade, we'll pull him out like a weed."

I rolled my eyes, "whatever."

I took Newt's hand and basically pulled him as I walked. I knew exactly where I wanted to take him. I knew it was Minho's and my little secret, but I wanted Newt to see the map room. I trusted him and he was a runner. It seemed natural that he should know.

"Where are we going?" Newt asked pulling my arm to slow us down.

"I want to show you something. I think it might cheer you up." I said mischievously.

"Look until we catch this bloody assassin I highly doubt there's anything that'll cheer me up." He said seriously.

But then Newt's mouth changes from one of serious sternness to a playful smirk.

"Unless..." He said pretending to ponder something.

I froze at his words. I knew exactly what he was thinking and oh what a perv.

"You bloody perv!" I said copying his accent and words. I hit him in the shoulder.

"Oh what? I was only kidding Greenie!" He feigned injury and pouted while rubbing his shoulder.

"Oh come on you." I said grabbing his hand again and pulling him into the wooded forest.

I was happy to see him smile and play around. He has been much to serious these days and worrisome. I was begging to think he was depressed.

We finally made it to the little hut. I turned around and looked at Newt, "Ta-dah!" I said smiling.

Newt smiled and was about to question me about when suddenly his expression changed to one of alarm as he stared at something off in the distance behind me. He ran towards me and knocked me to the ground just before a huge blast occurred from somewhere behind us. Black smoke began swirling around us clouding my lungs and my eyes. Newt was yelling, but I couldn't hear a thing. A high pitched noise rang in my ears.

Newt had me pressed down into the ground behind some shrubs but he got off me abruptly. My head was spinning. I struggled to stand and fell back down. My head hit something hard and solid when I fell. The smoke ridden black sky faded into one a couple shades darker.

I was out cold.

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