Good Nature

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A couple days had passed by and I was consumed with working on the maze. It was the perfect scapegoat from my hectic life. My memories were coming back in sporadic, quick flashes, but I couldn't interpret much from them. I was afraid of what my memories would tell me, and I knew that I wasn't good for these boys.

I didn't see much of Gally or Newt but I knew I'd have to face them eventually. I'd been hiding in this maze room far too long and it wouldn't be long before people would start to notice. The mourning period for those who had died was over and the Glade was slowly returning back to its working order.

I came out of my isolation only to eat, but the air was always quiet; people weren't really concerned with chatting or laughing. Eating was simply a basic need and not a social interaction, although I did have a bubbly Chuck to keep me entertained.

I expected this dinner to be the same as the others. Everyone was quiet, but there was a noticeable change in the mood of the Glade. Gladers were actually smiling while they talked quietly amongst themselves. The fire crackled as the quiet voices dared to grow a little louder. I watched the fire light up the area and the figures surrounding it. The fire seemed to brighten the entire Glade. The heat reached out to my skin like a warm blanket, but I wouldn't allow myself to get too close. I stood up abruptly and backed away from the fire's warmth. I was unwilling to move into the warmth, there was just too much going on. I turned to leave, but heard Alby's strong voice break the elated atmosphere.

"Gladers," he said with a pained expression, "these past couple of days have been, for lack of better words, difficult."

There was agreement voices throughout the Gladers. There faces were all stern and thoughtful.

"But it is time to get back up and return to our jobs. The time to be sad has elapsed and we must have hope. We must fight on and avenge those who have died. Those are not simply names written on a pice of stone, they are warriors who fought their hardest to be free. We cannot be down forever, so let us eat and sleep! We will awake tomorrow revived and functioning!"

The Gladers hollered in agreement, the fire roaring like the beating of a heavy drum. The Glade suddenly became a different place, there was loud voices, the boys were rowdy, and laughter seemed to echo against the stone walls of the maze. The Glade was alive again.

I was glad to see the Glade back to normal but I didn't feel as they did. I couldn't let go what had happened. I felt guilty and responsible for the deaths of the Gladers. I knew I shouldn't, but something in me felt like it was my fault.

The cool night air made the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up. I sighed heavily and turned to retreat back into the map room. 

"Marie.." A soft voice called from behind me.

My soul lit up at the sound of his voice. It was like something I'd needed to hear for awhile now.

I felt a gentle hand grab my shoulder and turn my around. I was faced with an always understanding Newt. His face registered my feelings the second we made eye contact. He pulled me into a warm embrace.

"It's not your fault," he whispered softly into my hair, "You are the only one who's fault it isn't."

He pulled back from the embrace so that our faces were only a little distance apart. He stared into my eyes raising his eyebrows. It was at this point that I realized who he was. He was the one person in my life who knew me better than myself. I may not remember exactly who he is or the details, but I knew that I would do anything to protect him. He was important and good. He was the purest among us, and it was very important to me.

"Thank you," I said quietly, my cheeks flushing.

He took a small step back satisfied with my answer. His face radiated concern and confusion.

"Where have you been these days?" He asked biting his inner cheek.

My heart pained in guilt. I hadn't even checked on him while he was sick. I hadn't even made sure he was okay. This was the first day I'd seen him in awhile.

"Busy?.." I replied as if questioning my own answer. I had no good excuse for being gone other than I just couldn't deal with everyone.

Hurt flashed across his eyes for a brief second before he chuckled lightly.

"Are you going to tell me the real reason Marie?" He said acting humored.

I gave a half smile before replying.
"Minho has got me working on a project. It's nothing really, probably just a loose end, but it's been nice to do something good."

Newt smiled, satisfied with my answer.

"Ah," he said playfully, "so Minho thinks he has got you all to himself these days? Well we can't have that now can we?"

I giggled like a child, mentally slapping myself for acting like an idiot.

"No I suppose not." I said.

"Well," he started to say right as a powerful voice interrupted us.

My face heated with anger as I recognized the voice. I swear, this boy just won't quit interrupting!

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