The Sound of Silence

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I woke up earlier than usual. I lifted my heavy lids and looked about the Glade lazily. I don't quite know why I was awake so early. I could feel myself still half asleep. With my eyes barely opened, I listened. The Glade was deathly quiet. I could hear the noticeable silence that filled the air with a certain emptiness. There was a serious lack of gladers bustling about and working. I imagined all the guys sound asleep, dreaming perhaps of their old lives.

The sun hadn't risen yet, so instead of glowing rays of sunlight, a shadowy film expanded across the Glade. I wondered what time it was, although that didn't really seem to matter these days. Time was like an unspoken agreement between everyone here. We all got up when it was time and continued our day from there.

Sighing quietly to myself, I closed my eyes once more and attempted to shift into a more comfortable position. That's when I felt it, and I realized why I had woken up. I would have preferred the reason to have been the sound of silence, but it was not. My eyes flew open as I felt another body next to mine. I felt the warmth of another's arm wrapped almost protectively around my waist. Screaming internally, I jolted upright scooting away from the stranger. I turned to see who it could possibly be, and I was supposed. Sleeping soundly beside me on the ground was that angelic boy with his hair covering most of his face. My cheeks immediately flushed at the sight of the adorable image in front of me. Newt laid there sound asleep, his face relaxed while his hair was anything but that. He looked youthful and rested, much better than how I'd seen him lately.

Cautiously, I reached out and brushed the hair away from his face. I allowed my light touch linger on his face for just a moment longer than I should have. I jerked my hand back as Newt stirred in his sleep. He whimpered in his sleep, and it was as if the removal of my touch was painful. His face changed from the relaxed state to one of confusion and worry. He reached out his arm as if he was searching for something, and I smiled even wider when I realized what it was. I laid back down next to him and drifted off to sleep right as I felt his embrace pulling me closer to him. I thought I heard him whisper something, but I was too far gone to hear.

Sorry this is such a short chapter, I will be updating more frequently! Hope you enjoyed this cute little chapter.

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