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"I know who the rogue is." I stated bluntly as I fumbled attempting to bandage my bleeding head.

"If I had known a blow to the head would've revived all of this conveniently useful information, I would've knocked you down myself." Gally said rolling his eyes and scoffing.

I hastily explained everything to Gally - the maze, WICKED, the real world, our roles in all of this - but he couldn't wrap his mind around it. He didn't believe me or at least couldn't understand me and I didn't have time for his stubbornness.

"I've got to go!" I said hurriedly standing up.

"Absolutely not!" Gally yelled exasperated, "Have you seen yourself lately? You're black and blue and just took a nasty blow to the head. Not to mention, we are under attack because of you! You put everyone at risk."

Goodness he always was so dramatic. Memories of his more carefree, creative attributes came to the forefront of my mind putting me in a dream like state. I smiled goofily remembering his shenanigans and pranks.

"Why do you have to do this?" he sighed throwing his hands in the air and then rubbing his face in frustration, "You know, you seem awfully cheery for someone whose boyfriend has been abducted."

"First of all you imbecile - " I stopped mid sentence processing his words, "Abducted? You mean Newt was kidnapped?" It all came crashing down.

"That's what I was trying to tell you before you miraculously regained your memory." His tone became firmer, "Alby and I were approached by a man who called himself Randall. We questioned him mercilessly but all he would respond with were inquiries about you. He spotted you two walking and mumbled that the boy would do fine. That's when an explosion occurred and the next thing we knew they were gone. Newt was trying to protect you but you made him the target."

"That was never my intention." I said gritting my teeth and storming away.

I finally understood it all now that I had my memories back. The missing pieces were all being put together. The maze wasn't ready for me to trigger the Ending because it wasn't my role to play. WICKED sent me in here for the purpose of bringing me out of my depression and thus rejuvenating my designing mind. I'd been memory wiped and dumped in the middle of the maze like a test animal; WICKED constantly baiting me with fragmented memories. I was no use to them a sad, broken mess so they sent me to my hope. To the person I loved. Alas, I was never meant to stay. They had larger, more destructive plans in store for me and my designs back at headquarters. Randall had finally arrived to fetch their pathetic little lab rat.

I approached the entrance to the maze for the last time. Storm clouds gathered above in the brooding sky. They were baiting me with him, coaxing me once again back into the depths of the maze. But this time, I was ready. It wasn't going to be easy but I had to do the right thing. If I had only known the cost...

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