Deja Vu

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Waking up in the infirmary was not a new experience. Waking up and seeing both Gally and Newt staring at you was a very new experience.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Gally yelled at me.

"Um.. Nothing?" I said, clearly confused by his question. Was he serious? By the stern look of disapproval on his face I could tell he was. Only Gally would yell at me for something so out of my control. Anger bubbled within me. How dare he get mad at me!

"You've got to be kidding me," I said narrowing my eyes.

Gally scoffed and was about to speak when suddenly, Newt's quiet voice interrupted him.

I hadn't noticed much of Newt's presence until now. It shocked me how thin and pale he looked. The dark circles under his eyes were very prominent and almost black. Guilt began to wash over me. I had completely forgotten that he had been sick.

"Are you alright?" He said with a small smile. I wanted to run up and hug him. He looked so sad and tired.

"Yeah," I replied shooting him an overly enthusiastic smile. I could tell he saw right through my lie. I may not be the most mentally stable right now but I couldn't dump that on him. I still had to decipher my memories. Regardless of what they meant I knew that I owed Newt a lot more than common curtesy. I could feel something more between us, I was sure if it.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked moments later.

Newt laughed weakly and shot me the same fake smile I had given to him.

I nodded slowly and said, "Aha, I see."

"Gosh you two love birds are so irritating." Gally said rolling his eyes.

And our moment was ruined.

Gally was leaned against the hut's stable wall with his arms crossed. "Are you two done?" He spoke again this time looking at me. I swear I saw a bit of his humanity. It was the same as the emotion I'd witnessed last night in his eyes but he broke our eye contact before I could be certain.

He exhaled loudly, "Alrighty then, great!"

He walked towards Newt, slapping him on the back as he said, "I think it's about time for you to get back to bed. I have no clue why you were out wandering about last night."

Newt winced at the impact from Gally's slap. "I just needed some air, that hut I'm in is quite stuffy." Newt replied rubbing the back of his neck. "I'll get going then," he said looking at me carefully.

At first I was confused by his look of concern but then it hit me. He was out last night checking up on me. It all made sense now and I felt terrible. His gesture was sweet but he saw Gally and I together. He probably misunderstood the entire situation and I haven't even gotten a chance to explain myself. I don't even know what prompted Gally to do that. As I searched for the words, Gally spoke.

"Bye then." His voice was cold and unfeeling. I looked at him seeing a slight smirk on his face.

He looked at me, then Gally, and forced a smile. He turned and exited the small hut.

Great, now I'm left here alone with Gally. The very thought of him sent rage mixed with extreme confusion through me.

Gally broke the silence. "Hurry up and get ready. Minho is meeting you at the doors to the maze in ten."

"Wait why?" I said puzzled, "Shouldn't we take a day or two off running since the last incident?"

Only Newt, Minho, and I got out of the maze; they were going to be in need of some new runners and I doubt anyone would be jumping at the opportunity.

"Gosh, do you always ask so many questions Greenie?" He said annoyed.

"Do you always act like such a jerk?" I asked, "or is that just your personality?"

"Oh Greenie, this is the real me." He said winking at me. He shot me a wicked grin as he turned around to leave.

I was fuming, he was being so irritating. His mood swings were giving me major whiplash. One second he was gentle and concerned and the next he was an egotistical jerk.

"Ten minutes!" He shouted.

I was left alone and completely confused.

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