Memories in the Night Part One

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At first it was just darkness, there was no feeling of sleep. I felt an unexplainable numbness wash over my body. That's when all the flashes turned into clear images.

"Hello Miss Daedalus," a woman in a white coat said. The woman was older and looked too pristine.

I watched myself as the memories continued. It was a strange experience watching myself like I was watching a movie.

"My name is Marie," I said skeptically as I peered up at the woman. I was sitting in a school desk. I looked around the classroom. I thought that must be in math.

"Ah of course," She said faking a smile and nodding, "Marie then."

There was a brief minute of silence as the woman stared at me. I looked at her questionably.

A man I hadn't noticed before stood slightly to the left of her. He looked at me encouragingly. He wore a weak smile and I concluded that he was the teacher. His sweater vest, khakis, and librarian glasses gave it away. The woman looked like a lab worker compared to him. Her features were sharp and cold whereas his were soft and gentle.

"Marie did you know you at the top of your class?" She said.

"Um I guess." I mumbled awkwardly. Maybe that was a rhetorical question..

"You are very intelligent for someone your age, and for someone of your background." She emphasized the word background which made me dislike her even more. I could tell she was fake and not someone I'd want to associate with.

I faked a smile that probably looked more like a grimace and nodded.

"Thank you," I said through gritted teeth.

"Marie, what Ms. Paige wants is for you to help her with her experiment. This is a unique opportunity for someone your age." The young teacher said kindly. He was trying to keep me as calm as possible despite the strange circumstances.

"Well Marie, it's a bit more complicated than that. You'll be required to drop out of school to come and assist me at WICKED. You are highly intelligent and will receive a default diploma. You will continue at WICKED for your career." Ms. Paige stated this in a direct manner. She was not asking me to choose between school and her project. My decision had already been made for me.

"I don't think this is what I should be doing. I'm only sixteen." I said trying to subtlety turn down their offer.

"Your family will receive full benefits," the uptight woman replied with pursed lips.

I couldn't shake the feeling that my family needed help. The memories of them were too weak and undiscovered but by the way I reacted to her proposal I knew that they must need serious help.

"I have already talked to your family and they agreed to let you go." She said sighing.

I felt a pang of betrayal in my heart although I could not explain why.

I nodded at the woman and looked up at my teacher. His eyes pitied me and I could tell he didn't agree with this 'opportunity.' It seemed that the government or bigger players had complete control over me. There was no option and certainly no choice in the matter.

"You will come with me back to the lab now and we will begin our work straight away." Ms. Paige said while shaking the teachers hand and heading to the door.

"W-Wait!" I said abruptly, "I have to leave now? What about my family and my belongings?" I was panicking, it was all too soon. My anxiety was high and I felt I could have a panic attack at any moment. The worse part was I had the awful feeling in the pit of my stomach that I would never see my family again.

The woman turned back around to face me. She was clearly irritated and didn't try to fake the smile and pleasant attitude any more. "Everything is taken care of. We must leave now Miss Daedalus."

I tried to compose myself as I slung my back pack over my shoulder taking one last look at the classroom. My body was shaking as I stood up. I looked around recalling my memories from school in that moment. I could not remember any and for the first time I was glad. I watched myself in pain missing family and friends that I could not remember. It made the situation bearable; I had nobody to miss.

The teacher embraced me and wished me luck. He waved as I left and shut the door behind me. I thought I caught him frowning and shaking his head when he thought our backs were turned. He clearly saw a flaw in what Ms. Paige was doing.

I walked out of the school to a black car. "Goodbye Dashner High" I whispered to myself sadly and got in the car.

The memories were difficult to watch, I had the feeling that the next memories to come would be even harder.


These are all past scenes taking place. These are Marie's memories. She is basically in a dream state remembering all of these things that will help explain her past and role with WICKED. Hope you enjoy! :)

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