Grief Serum

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"What do you mean grief serum?" Gally growled at Newt.

"Wait, I thought you knew what it was?" I said raising an eyebrow at him. "And what is this 'grief serum' anyways?"

Gally completely ignored my questioning, his eyes boring holes into a seemingly unaffected Newt.

He stood a few feet in front of me, his eyes meeting mine despite Gally's inquiring. Newt's expression was one of genuine confusion, as if seeing me in a completely different light. His gaze was making me uncomfortable, yet I couldn't look away. I crossed my arms over my chest, feeling self conscious.

"Hello?" Gally said, taking a step towards Newt.

This seemed to break him out of his trance. He slowly moved his eyes off me and to a fuming Gally.

"Grief serum comes with our supplies in the Box. We use it to-" Newt said before being interrupted by an impatient Gally.

"Yes, thank you for the school lesson, but I meant why would someone poison her with grief serum? It's an antidote not a poison." Gally said, the frustration clear in his voice.

"I don't know," Newt said quietly looking at the ground.

"She wasn't bitten. She hasn't even been anywhere near a griever." Gally said continuing his rant.

"I don't know what to tell you," Newt said looking up, "grief serum was the substance discovered."

"There must be a mistake," he said rolling his eyes, "run the tests again."

"We have. Several times Gally," one of the medjacks said, piping up from behind us.

The glare Gally shot him was too much for him to handle. He scurried out of the hut, whisking past Alby.

I began pacing in the small hut, nothing was making sense.

"I don't understand," I said suddenly, "Why would someone try to poison me with something that isn't even poison?"

"Maybe poison wasn't the intention," Alby's deep voice said.

"They want to force the changing on you," he said, eyes widening, as if coming to a realization.

"They want you to remember."

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