Open the Floodgates

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It was like watching a movie. Everything was completely out of my control. I took it all in as the memories unfolded before me. 

"Daedalus, huh? The name suits you well." She said quietly.  

I made a short hum in response to her attempt at small talk, keeping my eyes locked on the intricate designs laid out before me. I studied each and ever inch intently.

"I just find it a bit coincidental, that's all. I mean you must know-" She stopped as our eyes met across the long table. Shooting me a sheepish smile and quick apology she left the room.

The designs were almost perfect, and that was just the very problem. As the maze could run its course, there must be a way for its course to end. I entered the shut down codes into the designs, finishing as he entered the small, fluorescent room. 

He stood next to me, eyes gazing upon the hundreds of intricate designs and lengthy notes all laid out effortlessly on the steel table. 

"Your concepts for phase one have been unbelievably brilliant." He said amazed, still trying to take in all the various designs. 

I smiled weakly at his compliment. "This was all your idea Stephen, I'm only the designer." I said stressing the "only." He immediately winced, and I realized my careless mistake. "I'm sorry," I whispered, continuing painfully with his forced name, "Thomas." 

"It's alright Marie, you have absolutely nothing to apologize for. You've brought my vision to life." he spoke as he'd already forgotten the pain my trigger brought him. He went on gushing about materials and the mechanics of the maze, but I didn't pay much attention. His voice seemed to fade out as I looked lovingly at his face. It began to transform until I was looking at a little three year old boy. I remembered our childhood, our family, and our old life. For he was my younger brother. 

"So what do you say Marie?" He said loudly, pulling me out of the past. 

"About?" I said closing my eyes and massaging my forehead with my hand. 

"The materials?" He said turning to me. 

"Ah, materials. You are a builder, I'm simply the thinker." I said opening my eyes to meet his wide ones, "I've made notes about what types would be ideal but you have the liberty to use whatever you see most fit. My knowledge is mainly conceptual, less meticulous when it comes to materials and real life." 

"Excellent." he said shooting me a boyish grin that hurt my heart.

We stood in silence for a couple of seconds before he reached out and put a hand on my shoulder. "You've done great work here Marie, so you really should get some rest. You seem exhausted and I'm getting worried about you."

"Don't worry, I'm fine just relieved," I said to him assuredly, "but I'm glad you're pleased with the end results. I just hope we are one step closer to helping them." 

"We have to be." he mumbled in response. 

It took my breath away when I saw Stephen for the first time here. I had been taken away from our family when we were both very young. I quickly came to realize that his memories and very name had been stripped from his mind. The trauma had blocked them. Randall had advised me to steer clear of the boy in my "free time." Stephen was the main builder and I was the main designer for this project, that was all. We worked well together and although I cherished our small interactions, I knew I was nothing but another stranger to him, slightly more isolated from the rest. Family didn't get to exist here. 

The walk back to my room was a long one from the lab and dare I say not particularly scenic. Turning the last corner I locked eyes with my main source of hope here in the pits of despair. 

"Well its about bloody time you got here." he said giving me a playful smile. 


"Oh?" I said smiling genuinely for the first time all day, "Miss me?" 

He looked down and fidgeted with his hands for a couple seconds before responding.


"Whatever," I said rolling my eyes and walking up to my door to unlock it. I felt warm arms wrap around my waist as he embraced me. 

"Okay, I definitely bloody missed you," he whispered into my hair. 

Most of my memories were of days just like this one. They were pieced together with my earlier ones of being taken away, of being recruited for my intelligence. My earlier years were spent designing weapons and creatures of mass destruction. I developed serums and monsters. They used my skills of design for their most horrendous desires. My later years were spent developing the maze until it was finally ready for use. I watched myself over the years as the memories passed. I had been so naïve to the reality of the maze and WICKED. I remembered them entering the maze. I remembered helping Thomas sneak Newt to see Sonya. I remembered watching him cry as he spoke to her. I remembered looking at Thomas and wondering if we would ever have that relationship. If his memories would ever return to his mind. If he would one day have to relive that sadness that comes from being torn apart. I remembered the days without hope, watching all of them suffer daily in the mazes, regretting the role I'd been forced to play.

The memories continued to pass faster and faster. Thomas and Teresa remained in the lab, monitoring the mazes and groups. I watched myself spending months in silence, in hopelessness, and in sadness. My purpose of design had been fulfilled and so I had become expendable. Thomas and I had brought their wicked design to life, and in doing so, we had caused countless deaths and suffering. 

After months, I was sent in to trigger the Ending but the Ending hadn't been triggered. The maze still continued to open and close and food rations had still been delivered. The memories had completed their course through my mind. Feelings of confusion, anger, and sadness bubbled up from these repressed recollections. 

The floodgates had been opened and a fire now burned within me. I was going to find him and make this right. It wasn't fair what I had brought upon him. What I had brought upon all of them. I was responsible for this hell. 

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