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"You really need to stop passing out all the time," An angry voice growled in the darkness.

"Oww.." I moaned. My head was aching and this idiot's voice was not helping.

I opened my eyes reluctantly to find myself in a dim lit room with the fuming fool.

"Well it's not really my fault when I'm body slammed to the freaking ground Gally!" I shrieked.

I took a deep breath and sat up. The world rushed around me, and the blood emptied from my dull aching head. I immediately touched my face, feeling something foreign. One side of my face was bandaged up in cloth. I could still feel a stinging gash, the pain coming from a deep gash. My memories were scattered in my scrambled brain.

Shaking my head I asked, "What is going on?"

"Well let's see," Gally began, standing up from the wooden chair, "You decided to take your skinny lover boy into the woods for a rendezvous, while there's a rouge on the loose looking for you."

His fists were clenched and I could see that he was practically steaming.

"I mean, what were you thinking?! You just took off without telling us where you were going."

"Who are you? My father?" I chuckled.

"It's not funny," he said seriously.

I looked up at him, his eyes serious as ever. The rage was present, but there was something else.

"Whatever. You still haven't explained what's going on." I said, taking a moment to look around the room. I looked through the cracked entrance and saw the darkness that enveloped the Glade. It was night time.

"Look Marie," he said again in a strange tone.

I refocused on him. His face was softer, words softer, almost sympathetic. This was not him. He was never like this, like he was walking on eggshells.

"Gally.." I began with a warning tone.

"Don't freak out. Just relax." He said lifting his hands up.

"Where's Newt?" I asked calmly.

"We need to talk about that," he said slowly.

"What? I don't..." The sudden realization began to hit me.

"Listen-" he started but I wasn't having it. Adrenaline was beginning to course through my veins.

"Where is he Gally?!" I shouted, standing up.

"Sit down a second Marie!" He yelled back.

"No! Tell me where he is!" I said shoving him.

"Marie.." He said looking away.

"Where? Why? I don't understand! I was the target not him!" My voice cracked and my eyes welled with tears. He meant something to me. The memories were surfacing; I was remembering. Everything. I could never forget him, but now...

He's gone.

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