Poisoned? Part One

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The days passed quickly, I hardly noticed how long I'd been here until Gally mentioned that the Box should be bringing another person up in a few days. I'd been here nearly a month, and to my surprise, I was beginning to get used to this prison that we called the Glade. The only difference between a few weeks ago and now was the memories. I was having frequent nightmares that were causing me to wake up sweaty and out of breath almost every night. I couldn't tell anyone about them. I knew that no one could help me and that I was left in a state of lonesome suffering as soon as darkness fell over the Glade. I'd stopped even trying to go to sleep all together.

Today marked the third day without any sleep, yet I didn't dare try to close my eyes. Instead, I decided to go to the map room and work on the layout more. We'd finished all we could a couple days ago, but there were still plenty of gray areas that I was determined to figure out. I was letting the maze get into my head, honestly, I just needed a break. A vacation would be fantastic right about now, but I'm not so lucky.

While around the Glade at night made me feel at ease, the silence did not. The gladers were all asleep so the entire glade fell into a gentle silence. It was a silence that comforted me while still  reminding me that everyone was very vulnerable. Paranoia had set in ever since the nightmares started appearing more aggressively. I was having the feeling that I was being watched, even when I was running through the maze totally alone. I simply couldn't shake the feeling.

I was wandering aimlessly around the Glade when I noticed how dark it was. Finally taking a good look around, I noticed all the shadows. The shadows were creeping closer and closer to me. They began looking more like wild animals. My head was pounding for some unknown reason, and my movements were becoming slower and slower. It was difficult to move, so I simply stood feeling heavy in the middle of the Glade. My tongue felt large and swollen, I couldn't speak or cry out. An uncontrollable dizziness overtook all my senses and I watched helplessly as the world began spinning faster and faster before me.

Unclear of what was happening to me, I suddenly felt an extreme tightness in my chest. I crumpled to the ground feeling numb. My limbs were no longer there, I was completely in my head. Yet even that didn't last, and I felt darkness creep into my eyes and into my mind.

I passed out.

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