Welcome home mistress

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The beginning of summer arrived within a blink of an eye others but for Hermione it dragged on.

Hermione found herself sluggishly going through her tests. Every question was met with her listless answer. She barely even reviewed at the end of her tests— something many picked up on but didn't question or if they did she completely ignored them.

She felt like there was a hole in her chest, a constant ache. She attributed to her werewolf affliction and the magical connection she found with a certain Veela. A certain Veela that was now gone and went back to France.

Harry worried but she brushed off his concern and explained that she was missing Fleur and that was it. She wanted to tell him it wasn't as simple as that but each time she wanted to she shook it off.

The last day of term was celebrated by the students and readily packed for the trip home. Standing at hogsmeade station she smiled at the sight of Harry saying his goodbyes to Luna— shyly sharing kisses, even though immensely happy for he pseudo brother — the view served to depress her a bit more.

"This is it then?" Said Harry shuffling his feet and fiddling with his spectacles.

Hermione arched a brow, a slight amused smile playing on her lips."You make it sound as if we're saying goodbye forever Harry." She chuckled slightly " a few weeks and we'll be back for our fifth year" she reassured him.

Harry nodded but still shifted uneasily "I don't particularly want you to be alone this summer Hermione." Hermione slung her arm over his shoulder and pulled him into a tight hug, she ignored the remaining students staring at them as she ruffled his messy hair affectionately.

"I'll be fine, I won't be leaving my manor any time soon. I need to make sure everything's in working order. Besides McGonagall will connect the floo to Hogwarts so I'll be able to get out in a jiffy if something happens" She promised quietly.

"Fine.. still I wish you'd have someone else with you"

"Mm.. I wish you could join me too. But I'm sure there'll  be a library to lose myself in" she joked. She patted his back a final time before releasing the hug. The train horn sounded "it's time for you to go Harry" she gestured to the locomotive.

Harry nodded but the concern in his eyes still evident, they spent a great deal of late nights together after Voldemort's return.
Making plans, counter measures and but mostly trying  to ensure they would be prepared if anything bad happened. She tutored him as best as she could, but he was wasn't as adept with quick spell casting as she was yet but she could see he'd soon get there "Be careful Harry, watch your surroundings and even though I loath the saying constant vigilance.."

The saying stuck with her after retrieving the real Allistor Moody, the man even more paranoid than before according to Dumbledore. Every second sentence from his mouth was 'constant vigilance' it annoyed her to no end but she supposed he had a valid point, after all he'd been bested by Crouch Jnr and trapped into a enchanted chest for a year, it would be mind splintering for anyone.

"Yeah .. constant vigilance" he nodded seriously "you take care too and be sure to write, I want to hear all about this manor and all the books I'm sure you'll read" Hermione laughed but nodded nonetheless.

She watched Harry tug along his luggage meeting up with a couple of redheads, she didn't see Ron and she wondered whether he still hated her or whether he still opposed her relationship with Fleur. Either way it mattered very little in the grand scheme of things, his approval would never have bearing on her relationship with the Veela.

Harry waved once more as he boarded the train. she gave him a final wave before turning on her heel heading to the apparition point where McGonagall would meet her.


Getting the direct location of her manor didn't take long and with a few sidelong's she and McGonagall appeared before a grey stoned manor. No, manor wasn't entirely the correct word. The home from her perspective looked nothing less than a small castle.

"That's not a manor" she muttered more to herself than anyone.

"I'll say, now let's get to the gates." Hermione nodded and stepped forward, breaking past the trees. She stared up at a set of large black metal gates, the design was fairly simple, the large D in the middle of the gates had her hesitating slightly.

"The home is your Miss black. We will not be able to enter unless you drop your blood on the gate. Its warded with blood wards." Said McGonagall as she stared at the gates before them.

Hermione nodded, she too had seen the light flicker of magic underneath the afternoon sun. She took a calming breath before bringing her thumb to her mouth. Once she broke through the skin before smearing it across the loopy D. She waited a few seconds about to declare it as a failure when the clicking sound met her ears and she watched as the gates swung open accommodated by two simultaneous pops.

"Mistress!" Hermione's eyes widened slightly, her eyes fell onto two well dressed elves.
One wearing a maid outfit and the other a butler outfit. Their eyes big eyes impossibly bigger. Hermione found herself staring back but her gaze showed confusion.

"Mistress is back! does Mistress remember Limpy?" Hermione was about to to answer when the male spoke

"Of course not Limpy, mistress hasn't seen you since she was a babe." Hermione was slightly surprised by the proper speech. She stared at him a bit longer but his eyes reflected undeniable warmth and happiness.

"Mistress Hermione has grown wonderfully, Lady Renee would be proud."

Tears prickled in the corners of Hermione's eyes "I'm sorry I don't .. I can't remember you" she whispered.

The male elf stepped forward and took her hand in his own, gently patting it "it's alright Mistress , I do not expect you too. You were but a few months when we saw you last.." his eyes wet with tears "Before lady Renee gave orders to send you away."

Hermione opened her mouth to respond but Professor McGonagall cut in "Hermione perhaps it's better to have this conversation inside over a cup of tea?"

"Okay.. can I have your name?" She asked the kind elf in the butler outfit.

"Of course my name is Dash, Mistress"

Hermione smiled "Well it's lovely to meet you both, Dash and Limpy"

Both elves gave a short bow and gestured to the grey stoned castle with warm smiles "Welcome home Mistress Hermione." They echoed.

For the first time since Fleur left,  Hermione lips tugged into a genuine smile as she over looked what was supposed to be her childhood home.

"I'm home" 'mum, dad I'm home' she added mentally.


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