First D.A meeting

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Harry stalked from McGonagall's office, he could barely believe what that hag did, Hermione was right. She wanted to utterly destroy them, take away everything he cared for. The detentions Hermione spent in her company was most probably the worst. He was banned from quidditch but Hermione went through torture. No matter what anyone said he didn't believe that teachers had the right to physically discipline students. That woman was slowly working her way up to his most hated list, just underneath Voldemort.

When he pushed his way into the Gryffindor common room followed by George. Everyone stared at him expectantly, though he searched for Hermione but her gaze was affixed out of the window.

"Well?" Asked Angelina

Harry scowled "McGonagall was just going to take points and give us a week of detention but Umbridge" his jaw clenched in anger. "That woman came right in, making her presence known. She decided the punishment didn't match the offense."

George nodded slightly "Yeah.. found joy in it too, damn hag"

"What happened" asked Ron staring at the two of them.

"We got banned" Muttered Harry , shaking his head "banned and not just for one game or two but for life!"

"Fred you too, said you were readying yourself to land a couple of blows too" added George grimly.

"I can't believe it" muttered Angeline "three players banned for life in one day?"

"I might as well quit too, I'm bad I don't even know why I decided to play in the first place"said Ron.

Harry hopped up immediately, shaking his head in refusal "no! If you quit then we're down four players. We cannot be down four players ron."

Ron scoffed "It won't matter anyway, I suck"

Harry frowned "You'll get better, it comes with practice." He offered, his eyes once more went to Hermione who stared out of the window.

"Mia?" He called quietly , he wondered whether she was upset at him, he was after all giving Umbridge all the ammo she needed.

"Hmmm?" Hermione turned to look at Harry.

"You've been quiet , nothing to say?"

Hermione shrugged "I could tell you , you need to keep a lid on your anger and not let Malfoy provoke you but I was in a similar position last year. He's a foul mouthed roach, and if I lectured you, I'd be a hypocrite." She said thoughtfully, though that wasn't really what she was thinking about. She noticed the smoke leaving hagrids chimney, meaning the giant lug returned from his mission.

"Well.. I expected a bit of scolding to be honest" muttered Harry looking hesitant.

Hermione offered him a small smile "You're old enough to learn from your mistakes, use your words instead of your fist next time. Anyway I think we should go see Hagrid, he's back" she mentioned, she noted Ron's head perked up at the news.

"You need to be cheered up and I'm sure hagrids gots loads of stories to tell you" she said vaguely "let's go yeah?" 


The trip to hagrids was made between Ron, Hermione and Harry. Hermione didn't particularly mind but Ron tried asking her questions, it was awkward and stilted. Their first few years wasn't this bad it was clear , they barely had anything in common beside Harry and even then Hermione had a thought that Ron was friends with Harry solely because he was known as the chosen one. Their adventures together were mostly her doing the legwork while Harry contributed, Ron barely offered any insight beside complaining and being scared out of his wits. So now she could care less about the boy especially when he spoke rudely of her Veela. Things were strained and without Harry playing mediator between them it just didn't work. Harry seemed to have given up that position too, he saw the type of man ron was and realized it wasn't something he needed in everyday life — which begs the question why was he visiting hagrid with them?

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