Coming clean.

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Arriving back at Hogwarts wasn't something Hermione was looking forward to.

One : she had to say goodbye to Fleur who reluctantly parted ways at kings cross, heading for her place of work.

Two: She had to deal with the Weasleys prodding on why she didn't spend Christmas at the Burrow even though they knew she planned on spending the holidays with Fleur and her alone.

Harry was all for it and said it would give them some time to be a couple without everyone's eyes on them.

Three: Hermione loved school, she loved learning. She loved it but what she didn't not love was dealing with Umbridge. That was one thing the Gryffindor can do without.

Thankfully their next few weeks started fairly normal, Snape started his Occumenlency classes with Harry, she never did see him when he came form them but she supposed it was going bad whenever she asked— because the boy would shut down.

Yes, everything was going well until Hermione was stopped by an in unearthly shriek.

A shriek she did not know. When she came out to the hallway, she saw what and who was responsible for such noise.

Umbridge had finally done it, she finally used her power as the high inquisitor to start sacking teachers. Hermione didn't like Trelawney all that much but even she thought it was a bit much throwing the woman out of the castle. Thankfully Dumbledore arrived saving the day, using his own power as headmaster to have Sybil Trelawney head back to her room while simultaneously angering the toad had by employing Firenze as the new diviniations professor — a centaur much to Umbridge's disgust and Hermione's glee. Her glee was short lived when a few days later the daily prophet reported on a mass outbreak at Azkaban—

Later that day in the library, Hermione read over her latest essay for potions, when a harried Harry plopped down into the seat opposite her— his face haunted , shoulders tense, eyes flinty and she didn't need to be fortune teller to know what had him in such a mood.

"Have you seen the daily prophet?" He asked her, of course she had — she was too interested in it nowadays considering her latest acquisition .

Hermione nodded grimly. "Yes, all death eaters escaped" she said with a shiver of fear, not because she feared the death eaters but rather what their escape symbolizes. Death eaters being free meant Voldemort was steadily replenishing his ranks while they were twiddling the toes, suffering for the the ministry's ignorance or rather Cornelius Fudge's.

"Voldemort" the grim look on Harry's face made her sigh in agreement.

She checked around them and only a few students ambled through the library— none too interested in their conversation "How's your classes with Snape going?" She asked making sure to keep an eye on his expressions.

He answered while turning his gaze away from her "It's going.."

Hermione put her silver engraved fountain pen aside, Fleur got it for for Christmas. The pen was charmed so that it never ran out of ink. She thanked Fleur thoroughly for such a thoughtful and beautiful gift.

"Harry.. I cannot stress this enough but this is important, your strong reaction in December means we're working on the assumption that he knows you two are connected and could use it against you. It's important that you take these classes seriously. Don't let your hate for Professor Snape cloud your judgement." She lectured quietly.

"It's hard ! He digs into my mind and it bloody hurts."He snapped angrily, .

She didn't cower under his anger instead glared heatedly at him "Do you think Tom will care about how you feel?" She asked rhetorically "of course not! the sadistic bastard will take joy in your pain!" She hissed

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