Prophetic dreams

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Hermione woke up to Harry screaming, his scream had her on guard with her wand in her hand checking for danger when she realized it was only the two of them on the sofa — she turned to Harry tossing and turning in his sleep, unconsciously grabbing his forehead trying to claw it — . His screams pierced through her chest, it was a mixture of agony, blood lust.

"Raven!" She called immediately

"Mistress?" The elf looked tired at her "get professor McGonagall tell her it's Harry!" The elf barely blinked as she popped away.

Hermione used her strength and straddled Harry's hips, forcing his arms still, he was still screaming, yelling, making biting motions with his mouth. She chewed her lip, forcing the welling tears at bay.
She thought of using legimens but it would only do more harm than good.

"Harry ! Harry! Wake up"

When the boy opened his eyes, he blinked wildly , they were unfocused before he shrieked in agony — Hermione saw his scar burning an ugly red.

"Potter!" Hermione turned to see her professor as she tried calming Harry down.

"How long has he been like this ?" Asked McGonagall coming closer to the boy that curled up in pain. Hermione finally lift herself from him when she felt that he would no longer try and hurt himself in his sleep

"I woke up to him screaming, we must've fallen asleep studying Professor" she replied gently brushing his forehead caressing the angry red scar — as always he sighed in relief.

"We need to wake him up Hermione" Hermione hesitated when she noticed him calming underneath her hands. She nodded slowly.

"Harry.. Harry.. I need you to wake up sweetheart." She whispered calmly, she had no idea why he calmed under her touch but she had to brave the warmth of his skin. The moment his green eyes met hers, they filled with tears

"Mia" he choked "Mr Weasley's been attacked"

McGonagall looked dubious but Hermione nodded "you saw it didn't you?" She asked in a calm voice , it wouldn't do to get upset or hysterical.

He nodded rapidly "we .. we need to get to him.. he's going to die!"

"Mr potter—"

Hermione interjected before her professor could play it off "Professor it's imperative that we get to Dumbledore right away."

Hermione helped Harry to his feet and followed the transfigurations professor through the halls quickly, Hermione tried whispering calming words to her brother. His head was slumped into her shoulder when she entered the headmasters office. His eyes landed on her, Harry and then went back to McGonagall

"Professor what can I do for you?"

McGonagall looked at the two of them "potters has had some kind of nightmare." She started.

Hermione looked at Dumbledore meaningfully , he nodded his head slightly at her.

"It wasn't a nightmare , well I was asleep but it wasn't a normal dream. It was .. well I was there. I saw Mr Weasley get attacked by a giant snake!" He tried weakly still slumped in her side.

"How did you come to see this, how were you positioned?"asked Dumbledore and Hermione was slowly feeling the blood drain from her face.

"I .. was the snake sir"

"Is Arthur seriously injured?"

Harry almost screamed "yes!"

"You were listening ?"

Hermione realized the headmaster was no longer talking to them and looking at the headmasters and headmistresses of previous years.

"Naturally "

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