Outcome of a trial

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Harry noticed it first, there was something fundamentally different with his sister. He noticed a skip in her step, her smile brighter, her eyes sparkling underneath the proper light. Yes something happened. What he wasn't sure. The morning of his trial he sat beside Hermione drinking tea kreacher prepared.

"You're different" he hedged, he had about a half hour before they made their way to ministry. Hermione urged Arthur to go earlier just in case. Many agreed with the witches thinking hence the reason they both sat up a 7:30am in the morning drinking tea in the parlor room.

Hermione heard the questioning tone, yet it sounded curious with twinge of concern. She nodded to Harry's question, indeed she felt different , she felt lighter, happier, her love for Fleur only quadrupled in the time in the spent together most likely would continue to increase as time wore on.

"Do I?"Feigning ignorance with an arched brow.

Harry sipped his tea thoughtfully "you look lighter, happier, you're smiling a bit wider .. especially when Fleur's in the room. The two of you gravitate towards each other. It wasn't this way when you were at Hogwarts.. even though the two of you clearly loved each other their was still hesitance.. I guess"

Hermione gazed at Harry with a proud look "Your observation skills will come in handy in your future career as an Auror Harry. Very important." She praised

"Thank you , but you're deflecting " he remarked with a smirk.

Hermione chortled "Right again, if you must know Fleur and I.." she looked around to see if they had any eavesdroppers "took the next step in our relationship a few evenings ago"

Harry choked on his tea while Hermione found his embarrassment amusing as she casually sipped on hers

"Bloody hell! You didn't need to tell me that! I don't ever want to think of the two of you doing .. doing that!"

Hermione hummed but couldn't stop the silent laughter her shoulders shook as she tried keeping it at bay. "You.. you asked" she managed.

"Well.. fine yes.. I suppose that's true. Hah.. still though"

Hermione shrugged "How are you feeling?" She asked changing the subject to the elephant in the room.

"I'm alright, I'm trying to stay positive and hopefully keep my calm demeanor."

Nodding in agreement the young Black patted Harry's shoulder comfortingly "yes, keep your composure. They'll seek to discredit you by saying you're incompetent, quick to anger and easy to lose control. Do not let them get to you, try what I taught you before. When they interrogate you or ask you a leading question that would bring your behavior into question, count till ten in your head before answering. It'll put them of kilter.. but whatever you do Harry. Do not let your emotions run away with you"

Harry rubbed his forehead "I'll try but you've always been the calm one Mia."

"Fake it till you make it, or something like that. They don't need to know you feel a storm raging beneath your skin, they'll only be able to tell what your expression expresses, nothing more nothing less. Think of it as practice when you're an Auror and you're questioning a possible suspect with said suspect knowing they're one."

"Hermione's right Harry, if you keep your composure they won't get what they want." Added Sirius leaning against the wall.

"Sirius when did you get here?"

Hermione glanced at her uncle "a few minutes ago, while I was telling you those things Harry. Need to work on your hearing too." She mumbled.

"Alright.. alright.. are you sure you can't come Mia?" Hermione put her tea down.

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