You'll get through this and you'll be stronger for it.

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Fleur stood by Hermione's side, holding her hand, but the girl barely said a word since they returning to Hogwarts.

"Mon amour—"

Hermione bit her lip, holding back the tears in her eyes "Not.. not yet Fleur." She whispered pleadingly.

Fleur pressed her lips to the younger witches head "I'll be here.." Hermione nodded, she turned and pressed her lips against Fleur's in a soft kiss. "I love you Hermione.. always"

Hermione nodded returning the whisper of love before Hermione turned and entered the gates of the school.

"Miss Black I know this may—"

Hermione cut him off with a swift nod "I have something important to discuss with you too sir" she said holding back her emotions , her eyes burned with tears, anger , regret.

"Harry will be resting in the infirmary with the rest of the students. Are you sure you don't need to see anyone for that?" He asked pointing to her arm. Hermione glanced at her arm, Fleur made sure to break the curse the moment she realized it was. So thankfully the bleeding stopped.

"No, I'm fine sir"

Dumbledore said nothing but lead her to his office, they passed through the halls, where the portraits gave her gazes or sympathy as if they already head of the events. When she made it to Dumbledore's office, it was no longer over turned, nor were there pieces of rubble of the ground. The desk that was split in half was fixed and the perch unfortunately that held fawks was empty. Hermione was reminded how the Phoenix swallowed the killing curse.

"Can I offer you anything Hermione?" Hermione shook her head she sat down in her seat trying to gather her thoughts, making sure they're in order.

"Professor you knew about the prophecy didn't you?" The question was blurted before she could even stop herself but the look on Dumbledore's face was telling.

"I did, Sybil gave the prophecy right in front of me." He confirmed.

Hermione's face screwed into one of anger, she wanted to scream, shout at the mysterious headmaster. Ask him why he didn't think it was necessary to tell them until now. Instead she counted to ten in her head before releasing a harsh breath "Why wasn't this information told to us?"

"Many reasons, you're too young to feel such a weight, yet at the same time I feel that I've already been preparing you for it. The fault lies with me, I've made plans, plans I believe should be carried out if we're to win this war Hermione." That was most likely the most honest answer Hermione has ever received from him. There were no riddles, no vague answer but a truth. He has made plans.. plans that included her and Harry.

"Did you know that I was part of the prophecy?"

"Not at first no, but then I've seen you over the years, the relationship you and Harry share. You shield him , you keep him safe while he's like a quick blade striking when it's right. You both have a part in this war.. a war I have no doubt your parents tried to prevent."

Hermione affixed her gaze over Dumbledore's shoulder "yes.. my father tried to make sure Voldemort's goal of immortality was never realized.." she paused, she noticed the look on Dumbledore's face "He stole something, something that would prevent him from beating death.."


"A locket, an heirloom owned by Salazar Slytherin himself, a locket Tom Riddle used to suit his needs. At first.. I was terribly lost, confused. But my fathers notes are very , very extensive. He crawled his way into his inner circle, he was there when Voldemort needed someone, a house elf to hide away locket that carried a piece of his soul.

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