You know nothing!

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Dearest Fleur,

Things have been very tense these past few days. I'm some place I cannot write to you over letters because unfortunately its under a fidelius charm and I'm not the secret keeper.

As I said things have been tense this past week I've spent with the Weasleys have been the most trying it's ever been. I cannot wait till you arrive, so that I can hold you in my arms and wash all the tension away.

Dumbledores' being more secretive than usual, he's even said to not let Harry know of this place, but I suppose there's a reason. But I'll see him soon, it seems there's been some trouble but the adults are very hush hush about it. I have no clue what's happening but I've heard whispers about something called the order. Not too sure what it means but hopefully things will start making sense soon. That and every new face I've come to meet this past week. A few familiar and others not so much.

I love and miss you dearly my love.

Eternally yours


Hermione sat deeper into the arm chair, with a thick tome on her lap. She was reading up about wandlore wanting to know more about her own. Since receiving she noticed her spells were much stronger than with the dragon core wand. She was stuck on a particular wood called Elder when she felt eyes on her once more, instead of ignoring it like she has for the past few days, she looked up to meet the gaze of her uncle.

There was a certain hardness in his eyes that set her on edge. She put the book onto small table before her. "Is there anything I can help you with Sirius ?"

"You've called me uncle a few times"

Hermione shrugged in response "You seem to tense whenever I do. I've decided if best if I stick to what you're comfortable with, so Sirius what is it that I can help you with"

Sirius frowned "My brother was not a good man, he was evil and a supporter of you know who, he was known death eater Hermione. Yet you seem so proud to be his daughter"

Hermione's jaw clenched slightly, she refused to give into her anger "Is that what this is about? That you're upset I love my father?"

Sirius scoffed derisively waving it off "You don't know him, you never knew the type of man he was. How could you love someone you've never known? "

A wisper of rage edged at the corners of Hermione's mind, but forced herself to remain calm, she didn't want to lose her temper with Sirius but he was making it awfully difficult "I know enough, I know more than you. You barely knew the type of man he was, do not presume to lecture me on who or what he was Sirius." She managed calmly.

"He was a murderer!" Spat Sirius.

Explosive anger she tried so hard to keep a lid on finally burst open. Standing to her feet, she crossed the space  between them.

Sirius was taller but she cared little for the difference in height as she grabbed hold of his shirt — clenching it tightly in her fist. Her tone belied her wrath

  "My father was a good man, a honorable man, he gave his life for the greater good and you do not get to stand there and judge him for it! He's no more a murderer than you are! I do not care if you're my uncle or not I will not have you taint his memory." She seethed angrily.

She pushed him away from her, and managed to keep her eyes from flashing a lupine gold but it was terribly difficult keeping it at bay when the primal side of her wanted nothing more to run lose

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