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Their goodbyes unfortunately was limited to a few kisses before Fleur left to work. Fleur decided to remain at 12 Grimmwauld place.

Sirius was good company and Hermione worried the man might become insane if he remained alone with Kreacher and buckbeak as company. A sentiment that was wholly accepted by the older Black. He found a drinking partner in Fleur , Hermione frowned in disproval but her fiancés response annoyed her to no end 'I'm French ! We like to drink' the classic Fleur like response was barely endearing but she couldn't help the slight twitch of her lips.

Hermione boarded the train with a sad sigh, she waved a polite goodbye to Molly , they still hadn't gotten over their issues— well she didn't particularly take issue with Molly. How the woman raised her children was hardly Hermione's business but the matriarch's verbal disproval of her engagement to Fleur was not taken well by Hermione. Fleur was to be her wife and she would not have any bad said about her.

The woman tried cornering Hermione but thank Merlin for Kreacher the elf seemed to pick up whenever she was left alone with the Weasley matriarch only uncomfortable conversation would follow and so he came to her rescue for the most inane things.

Things she was glad to be doing. She still ignored Ron even though the both were chosen as prefects something she couldn't believe. How in Merlin's name did Ron become a bloody prefect? The logic was unsound, there was no rationalism to such a decision and even his brothers' eyes were as wide as saucers, not believing who in their right mind would make Ron a prefect.

Either way she quickly covered her surprise and realized Harry barely said a word. So in which Hermione noticed him staring at his own list and he was named captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team.

After putting her trunks away she went to the carriage where the meeting was to take place, already dressed in her robes she opened the door only to come face to face with a few faces she could go on without seeing.

"Malfoy" she nodded in acknowledgment no need to be unkind.

The boy however, his face was set into a classic Draco sneer as he stared at her, behind her was Ron's voice apologizing for being late. She found a seat next to a Ravenclaw girl and watched as Ron settled down in the only seat available which was unfortunately next to Malfoy. She watched their faces both turn into one of intense dislike as Malfoy glared at the untidy redhead.

"Hand me down robes again this year? Did your daddy not get raise or is he to busy playing with muggles to provide for his family?"

Hermione would usually have said something in Ron's defense but she didn't feel like it, the boy was nothing but rude to in her fourth year and even this summer. His manners needed a complete overhaul and he needed a behavior adjustment.

"Shut up Malfoy! Not all of us run to daddy for every little thing" their insults carried on a bit longer until the head boy arrived.

"Looks like you're all here then, good. For those who are new to this position I'd like to remind you that it's not something that must be taken lightly. We are considered to be role models to those in our house and the school. Your behavior not only reflects on the professors that chose you but also a testament to the type of person you are" Hermione listened quietly when his eyes fell on hers, there was a subtle respect in them and she wondered why.

"Some of you have done excellently in school and it has been noticed, others may have natural leadership" his gaze once more fell onto Hermione who squirmed inwardly "and others" he went to Ron and Draco "well I'm sure there's a certain quality that makes you prefect material" Hermione fought back the snicker wishing to burst free as the clear confusion in the head boys eyes when he laid eyes on Draco and Ronald.

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