Dumbledores army

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Thursday before hogsmeade weekend,the morning after the theory she formed, she found herself standing before professor Dumbledore.

"Lemon drop Hermione?" Hermione shook her head. She clenched and unclenched her fists trying to find a way to tell the headmaster her thoughts.

"Professor.." she started "I have something of importance I'd like to discuss with you."

Dumbledore gestured Hermione to sit, she sat in the comfy seat opposite him. "What's bothering you Hermione?"

Hermione sighed inwardly "Oh there's many things but none more emergent than Harry's dreams." She paused "I'm sure you're aware he has these awful nightmares, they've only increased in number since Riddles' return now sir I don't wish to beat around the bush because I'm afraid if my theory is correct it's of utmost importance that Harry's learns occumenlency to shield his mind."

Hermione watched the man's face go through various emotions before settling on curiousity,

"Tell me what have you concluded Hermione?"

"The night Harry was marked I believe he created an inadvertent link to Harry, one he may not be away of . Many wrote it off as Harry surviving the killing curse. But I don't think that's all. No, Harry has had dreams that has happened. The last time was in the beginning of fourth year where he kept dreaming about seeing me, Riddle and Peter pettigrew in little haggleton. I comforted him with there being no reason I'd visit a graveyard especially with those two but as we both know I was wrong. The cup portedkeyed me there, where I witnessed Voldemort's resurrection.

I think Harry's sees what Riddles sees from his point of view .. and I'm afraid that if riddle becomes aware of the connection he shares with Harry, he may use it against Harry horribly" she breathed out her worry and concern eveideny.

"That's a very large if" said Dumbledore "However, I'm inclined to agree with you. Unfortunately I would offer to give him lessons in occumenlency myself but I'm afraid with Professor Umbridge now named as the high inquisitor who has the right to observe teachers it'll make it rather difficult,"

Hermione frowned "They are truly trying to out you aren't they?"

Dumbledore offered her a sad smile "I cant say.." he said vaguely.

Hermione sighed at the non-definitive answer "Well.. sir with my detention ending tonight , I believe I can help Harry I've already mastered what I've learned — I've managed to keep Riddle from my head back in the graveyard."

"Do you think you'll have time with your little group starting?"

Hermione's eyes widened in surprise"what group sir?"

Dumbledore smiled mischievously ".. The castle, a mysterious place it is, one of wonder and fantastic magic.. on the seventh floor , all your needs will be answered if only you want it hard enough." Hermione stared at the old age with with exasperation clear on her face.

"With all due respect sir, you're probably the most infuriatingly vaguest man I've come to meet" she mumbled "I'll be sure to think on it then, and I'm glad to have your approval Sir" she said standing up to her feet

"Approval for what Miss Black" he countered with smile.

Hermione stared at the man shaking her head with a huff"Exactly.. have a good day sir"


"You heard then?" Whispered Harry.

Hermione arched a brow at the vague question "about the educational decree" He added and Hermione nodded slightly

"Mmm, ridiculous if you ask me" she commented

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