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After seeing Andromeda off and promising to catch up again she said her good nights but was stopped by a anxious yet resolute Sirius.

"Can we talk?" She stared at her uncle a moment longer before nodding. She was sure Fleur would be long asleep by the time she returned. She led her uncle to the sofa before the dying fire.

"Firewhiskey?" He offered with a sheepish but hesitant smile.

Hermione stared at the liquor before acquiescing to the suggestion after pouring them to tumblers— deciding perhaps a strong drink even if she was against it would take off the edge from the tension seeping into the room.

Sirius took the seat opposite Hermione. Each of them sat in a tense silence. Hermione sipped on the throat burning alcohol wincing at the burn settling in her throat.

Sirius stared at the dying fire — finding it easier to focus on it than his niece's expectant expression "When I was younger my brother and I had a very complicated relationship.

I was the rebel while he played the perfect son. He could do no wrong, not before our parents, not before our family. He kept his emotions hidden, his face blank and his thoughts to himself. I used to hate that part of him. I wanted him to be more expressive but that never happened.

After getting my letter to Hogwarts.. I was the very first black to sorted into Gryffindor." Sirius paused staring at his liquor "I was an embarrassment to my parents, at first I shrugged it off, it was nothing new but the following year Regulus arrived at Hogwarts, he was sorted into Slytherin once more unintentionally lording his superiority over me.

I hated it, I hated him and I hated our parents for always doting on him. I acted out more — I soon befriended James and Remus." He shook his head. "We were prats .. we bullied the slytherins, pulled pranks, hexed a few here and there. Over the years we got worse especially to Severus. But even throughout all that whenever I'd cross paths with my younger brother he stared at me with apathy. There was no judgement in his eyes, no dislike just plain old apathy. As if I didn't matter."

Hermione pursed her lips as Sirius lost himself in his story "What happened then?"

"Over the years I distanced myself from my parents, their beliefs — I decided that they weren't things I could ever believe in. In my fifth year I left home. I packed and was on my way out, Regulus stood in the doorway. I criticized him, I belittled him for going along with my parents. I expected some reaction instead his expression once more barely reflected his feelings.Stony, cold and unfeeling.. I passed him . He said something, something that had me for thinking. 'We all have our roles to play brother and I just happen to play mine to perfection'

For the first time I saw him show a hint of emotion, a sad smile. I didn't know or couldn't figure out why he was sad nor did I want to . He chased me off and said our father would be arriving soon. And so I left. We'd see each other at school but we passed each other, like strangers. Soon I heard he became a death eater. The heir of the Blacks , the best of them.. I finally convinced myself I had more reason to hate him, I convinced myself that he was dark, vile and evil. The reason he barely showed emotions was because he wasn't capable of them."

Hermione's fingers tightened around the nearly empty glass of firewhiskey, her expression bordering annoyance and anger  "But you were wrong, so very wrong"

Sirius nodded sadly, tears welling in his eyes "Yes.. I failed to see just how much he was holding back, I failed to see the moment he found love, married and had a daughter.. I'm a failure as a brother.. and even more so as a uncle. I should never have said those things Hermione. Not when I've lived long enough to know that things are never black and white as they appear to be."

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