Hermione's sharp tongue

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The following day, Hermione fell back into her routine, she refused the prefect quarters, with the excuse that she already had one. McGonagall acquiesced to her request, even though her room was on the third floor , completely hidden and private like many of the founders quarters.

After returning from her run, she was a bit out of shape and attributed it to the last few weeks of summer where she mostly remained in doors losing herself in her family's magic, or rather the books her father stored away. His journals reached its end unfortunately she was still unable to unlock many of the spells , the few she had was with help from Fleur who taught her a quick but safe way to discover which spells were used.

Unfortunately she didn't recognize a few neither did Fleur which lead her into delving deeper into her family's magic including learning a few and adding it to her growing repertoire.

Something Fleur was surprised by whenever they dueled, the most of the duels unfortunately was still in Fleur's favor only because of her quick use of Veela magic, in terms of skill they were even, agility was the edge Hermione had over her fiancé. Her quick thinking attributed to a few of her wins too.

She'd think a few spells ahead and always watching Fleur's body language. The French witch would overextend whenever she threw a cutting hex, Hermione learned the hard way, but with every time after she attacked first catching the Veela off guard.
Their discussions after each session was not limited to praise but critique and dissected each other's technique which only deepened their relationship and strengthened them as a couple even though there were a few arguments here and there due to a difference in opinion.

Harry was unbelievably jealous that she could practice outside school while he was stuck watching the two of them go at it. His jealousy disappeared when she promised to continue their private training sessions once school started up again.

A warm shower later Hermione dressed and readied herself for her first class which would happen after breakfast. She found Harry tiredly eating the meal before him while he cast furtive glances at the teachers table, his eyes falling to the woman Hermione already despised.

"You know, I should already know better than to argue with you." Said Harry

Hermione arched a brow and followed his gaze, she bit into her toast when the woman's eyes fell onto her. She stared a moment longer before taking a violent bite of her toast, her expression slacked revealing nothing. "Mmm .. it was elementary my dear Harry" she quoted with a wink.

Harry chuckled "Well we've got four periods to ready ourselves for her. I can only hope we'll learn something worthwhile."

Hermione hummed in agreement but couldn't help but add "Though, honestly I wouldn't be surprised if we don't. Let's face it, the past four years has been a bit of hit and a miss. Quirrel tried killing you, Gilderoy Lockhart a fraud, Remus well that was too unintentional but he tried mauling us both, then Crouch Junior  disguised as Moody.. don't need to tell you how that one turned out do I?"

Harry dropped his head on the table "Chances are it'll be five in five then"

Hermione shrugged with a light smile  "Come on let's get to class. There's no point lamenting until we actually know what we're dealing with." She said grabbing her book bag, she noticed Ron sitting beside a dazed Lavender, the couple started near the end of the year — according to Harry he's seen them swap spit more than he ever needed.

"Ronnikins and Lavender going strong then" she asked with teasing smile.

Harry groaned. "You're lucky you've got your own quarters mate, it's a bit of a mess to watch them go at it in the middle of common room."

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