Family dinner?

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Dinner was a loud affair, the Weasley clan were all to happy to welcome Bill, he returned from being in Egypt or something, Hermione didn't care. She ignored the man instead her attention was on Andromeda the woman was gorgeous and if she didn't have a goddess of her own beside he she might've made a pass but Ted her husband was too much of a teddy bear to even have her follow through of that stray thought.

"Dora tells me you've excelled in your schooling these past few years Hermione and even won the Triwizard tournament recently"

Hermione sipped her pumpkin juice "Mm .. well one of the winners, Fleur and I won that one together. As for my schooling, it's become easier than I would've hoped. Third year and fourth year were hardly a challenge academically. I hope my fifth will give me more of one" she shrugged honestly. The table stilled. Hermione looked at the various expressions ranging from understanding to complete surprise, or turning into a grape like Ronald.

"Third year wasn't a challenge? Have you forgotten what happened?" Asked Ron

Hermione rolled her eyes "Of course, my dear uncle escaped Azkaban to find his godson, we found out your family pet scabbers was truly Peter pettigrew and I challenged a werewolf to a duel." She deadpanned "again I was referring to being academically challenged with the courses offered at our level not the life threatening situations we found  ourselves in"

Fleur squeezed Hermione's hand feeling the annoyance rolling off her mate.

Andromeda blinked "Well that's certainly more interesting than my years at Hogwarts."

Dora chuckled "Wotcher Hermione , don't forget you dueled you know who too"

Hermione gave tonks a dry smile "Yes, there was that too" she said tightly.

"Well.. enough about that,have you thought of what career you'll be going into?" Hermione pursed her lips in thought.

"Well honestly I've always believed wizarding Britain could do with an overhaul in the magical creatures department. At present the laws are unfairly biased toward wizards and witches , there are plenty of magical beings with their own kinds of magic but they're degraded because they're not humans. Even hagrid our gameskeeper had to deal with prejudice for carrying giant blood in him"

"Well giants has tried rising up against wizards and witches" added Ted

Hermione nodded "There's bad blood between us , there's a very large line drawn treating intelligent beings as animals aren't the way to go about it too. Many other countries has taken steps forward in equaling laws between all magical beings but Britain's stuck in the past, afraid to lose their superficial standing as a superior being."

Fleur nodded in agreement "This is true, France has made bigger strides in including all magical beings into their laws. My family on my mother side has had prominent positions  in the French ministry"

"So you planning on going into the magical creature department?" Asked Andromeda

"Well.. it's not set in stone.Before settling into a career I do want to travel, visit different wizarding communities learn new magic, but it's definitely something high on my priority list."

Andromeda nodded "It's good to keep your options open, I've always loved healing magic, so much so that I took an internship at St Mungo's and was finally able to become a certified mediwitch that works part time and the rest I have my own private patients that can't afford the exorbitant amounts at St Mungos"

Hermione eyes lit up "That's brilliant Andromeda"

Andromeda chuckled "well what about you Fleur? I believe you're a curse breaker at the moment?"

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