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The rest of the class Hermione was forced to endure the woman's high pitched voice as she droned on and on about a particular theory.

Harry was too struggling to stay awake as was most of the class. Soon the woman decided to have them regurgitate their text book onto parchment.
For most of the class Umbridge tried asking questions, trying to catch her out but Hermione answered them with ease, her photographic memory working wonders.

"Umbridge is a vile, horrible woman" she muttered as she left the stifling room. Harry followed her, she ignored the chatter in the hall way while saying a few more unkind things about Umbridge.

"This is the first time you'll be in detention isn't it?"

Hermione halted her cursing rant."Mmm I wonder why she even split our detentions" she muttered "now I've got to go to professor McGonagall, no doubt receiving a lecture" she murmured waving bye to Harry.

McGonagalls office

"Come in" after entering the woman's office , her eyes met Hermione's.

"Anything I can help with Miss black?" Hermione said nothing but placed the paper on her desk.

"Is this true? You patronized Umbridge?"

Hermione screwed her face in slight disagreement"Well.. patronize is a harsh word, I was sarcastic at best. I simply questioned what we're to do when faced with someone intending harm. She clearly stated that there will be no need to use our wands or practice our spells. Our defense class will solely based on theory." She explained "and I may have asked whether I should toss a book at Riddle the next time he shows up" she finished with a scowl.

"Hermione I know you're smarter than this, while I do not disagree with you. Using theory alone will never be enough to prepare you for what might happen, but this woman reports directly to Fudge. She is here to interfere with Dumbledore."

Hermione grimaced sufficiently admonished by her favorite professor"I've already figured that out Professor"

McGonagall sighed rubbing her eyes tiredly "You're the brightest witch of your age Hermione. Use caution, stay your wit and sharp tongue. She's dangerous.." McGonagall paused

Hermione nodded slowly "You think she's responsible for the attack on Harry then?"

McGonagall didn't confirm or deny the question but warned Hermione "she's dangerous , she might cause you harm and play it off as an accident.
You may be the Black heir Hermione but they are the ministry.

Especially if she finds out what happened in your third year. The orders' hands are tied at Hogwarts, we may not be able to get you out of something happens and I'm sure Miss Delacour will reign terror on those who seek to harm you but even she cannot do anything."

Hermione frowned in thought, realizing the chain reaction her behavior could set off "I understand Professor , I'll keep my comments to myself and tell Harry to do so as well."

"Good now off you go"


Hermione found Harry in the common room being screamed at by Angelina. The witch seemed particularly upset , she heard practice, tryout and deduced it to be quidditch related.

"Hey Mia , what did McGonagall say?" Hermione fell into the seat beside him closing her eyes

"We need to be careful, she's clearly here to spy on Dumbledore and the order. So that means no acting out in class"

Harry sighed but reluctantly agreed with his friend " Well shall we start of snapes report then?" He asked tiredly.

Hermione groaned silently "Later, I've got detention with that toad first"

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