Chapter 25: Curse

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Loki went back to his room to recollect himself before he went back to the medbay. Natasha's words to him and seeing Kara's almost lifeless body brought something out of him. This was more than just protecting her; this was also protecting everyone now. Sure, they were annoying to him, especially Tony, but they had shown him kindness. He needed to find out what Nyx's plan was, and he knew the dead talked. There was one person that could help him; his sister, the Goddess of Death. He held a mirror in his hand and called upon her.

"Halja?" He called out.

"Hello little giant, it's been a long time. Did you miss me?" Hela finally saw her brother's face and inquired, "Is everything all right? Is Tor alright? "

"Yes, the Oaf is fine. I finally found Kara; she was in Midgard all along. "

"That is wonderful news!" Hela saw his face and said, "But why do you have that face?"

He avoided her question,"Have you heard anything about a Goddess named Nyx? "

"Just the basics. Goddess of Night, "Hela responded.

"Hmmm, well Nyx has taken control of Olympus and plans to change Midgard and other realms into her image. I need you to ask your citizens if they have ever heard of her plans and how she plans to do this. What is her strategy? "

"I will look into this, but I need to know if you are okay. I see you struggling with something. Talk to me, Lokke. "

"Something a mortal said to me." Loki asked his sister.

"What did the mortal say?" Hela crossed her arms and leaned back.

"That I act like I don't have allies who are willing to help."

"You did have allies, but you, yourself, decided to betray their trust." Hela sighed, "Yet even after your betrayal they help you escape to save Asgard from the dark elves.

"They help Thor. They just need me to show him a way out of Asgard to save his former lover." Loki scoffed..

"Make friends, Lokke, "Hela smiled, "Isolation is not a companion you want as a friend. You always have us, but friends are the family you choose and they choose you in return. Don't be afraid to open up; it may surprise you. "

"Since when have you become so wise, Halja?"

"The moment you and Thor came into my life, I knew I had to be the wiser sibling, "Hela laughed.

"Hilarious," Loki exclaimed loudly.

"Oh come one. Laugh a little, go and enjoy your blissful reunion with your lost love. "

"Thank you." Loki and Hela said their farewells.

On the other side of the mirror, Hela smiled. She looked across her throne and saw her dearest friend, peering out the window.

"It seems Nyx is starting to make a move. What do you plan to do now, Nemesis? " Hela stood from her throne and made her way down the steps.

"I don't know," Nemesis said as she looked beyond the barren land.

"You better figure it out before it's too late." Hela said as she got up from her throne and walked away, leaving Nemesis to her own thoughts.


When Loki entered Kara's patient room, she was still sound asleep. It seemed Dion and Persephone had already left, and Nat was the only one still sitting with her. Nat looked up from her tablet and gave Loki a stern look.

"I'm glad you're back before she wakes up; if not, I would have gone and looked for you to kick your ass." She warned.

Loki chuckled, which surprised Nat as she smiled back at him, "Apologies. I had to go check on Thor and-."

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