Chapter 34: Attack on Asgard

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Kara lay down on a very familiar bed, with a familiar perfume of sage and peppermint lingering in the air. The silky sheet caressed and stroked her bare legs. She took a deep breath, enjoying the fresh air of her former home. She heard a little chuckle next to her. Loki was watching her sleep when she opened her eyes.

"Hello," Kara said with a smile. "What time is it?" Kara yawned again, wrapping herself across Loki's chest.

"I guess Midgardian time is roughly nine o'clock in the morning," Loki said as she glanced up at him.

"Good, I didn't miss breakfast; I'm famished." Kara got up and stretched again. "Do you think I'll have time for a short bath?"

Loki stood up without saying anything and entered the next room, opening the door to the hall where a guard was stationed. They exchanged a few words before Loki went straight into the bathroom and turned on the bath for Kara.

"Loki? What are you doing?" Kara said as she stood up and went to the restroom.

"I'm going to start you a bath," Loki said as he leaned against the door, raising an eyebrow at him. "I also requested that breakfast be delivered," Loki said.

"All right," she said, not wanting to dispute about her desire to go about the palace before returning home.

Kara took off her baby pink nightgown. When she glanced in the mirror, she realized why Loki wanted to remain in. Her obsidian black eyes returned her gaze. Loki saw her as she examined herself in the mirror.

"Hmmm," Kara said as she turned to face Loki. "Do my eyes appear terrifying?"

"No, my darling," Loki said, wrapping his arms around her and resting his head on her shoulder. "But you know how others are; you just returned, and I don't want to share you just yet."

"Really?" Kara remarked, swaying her hips flirtatiously.

Loki grinned, "By the norns, Kara, you're only recuperating."

"Didn't stop you last time," Kara says as she steps into the bathtub. Her muscles suddenly loosened all throughout her body. When they heard a knock, Loki bolted from the room. Kara closed the door with a wave of her hand. She closed her eyes and focused her attention on Khaos. She felt a shiver throughout her body as their connection grew deeper.

'Why have you summoned me?' A voice spoke to her.

'My eyes, like yours, are obsidian. Why?'

'It's the first indication of my power rushing through your body; how do you feel?'

'I'm tired and aching. I also collapsed yesterday.'

'I see.'

'Do tell.'

'Would you chatting hens shut up. I am trying to sleep!' Dark Kara complained.

'The spell is finally taking effect. Soon you will lose yourself to your curse.'

'What!' Dark Kara shouted.

'How long?' Kara asked.

'Why do you think you weren't destroyed?' Khaos asked.

'Enough!' Kara demands. 'How long do I have?'

'Wait what did you do?' Dark Kara asked, confused.

'I needed enough power to be able to control Khaos. So I reattached your core to my soul.'

'By doing so she cursed herself  once again. You are the reason she  will die ' Khaos said.

'Then break the spell. Let me go, Kara.'

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