1. The Psycho Returns Once Again

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Adley's POV
Caspian and I are walking around the park in the city because both of us have a day off and it's been a while since we've been able to have it just be us with no craziness. As we're walking and holding hands I can feel him looking at me. I look up at him and he has the biggest smile I have ever seen him have.

"What?" I ask him with a laugh. "After everything we've been through together. I still cannot believe that you have stuck with me." Caspian tells me and my heart just melts.

"I am saying the same about you. Although I feel like every shadowhunter couple has a crazy story. I mean look at my mom and dad for example. Nothing normal there" I tell him

"Very true, our lives are never mundane." Caspian agrees "Far from mundane" I add on and he wraps his arm around me and we continue walking.

Caspian and I decide to go get something to eat so when we find a Chinese restaurant I gotta go to the bathroom for a bit. When I get out of the stall and wash my hands I suddenly get pushed to the wall. Jonathan

"Jonathan, what a lovely surprise." I say annoyed and grab my seraph blade and cut him in the leg and he lets go of me so I run out and grab Caspian and just run with him to the Institute.

"What happened!?" He asks me as we're running. "My psycho of an uncle is back." I tell him and we finally get to the Institute and my family is right at the entrance table.

"Woah! Guys what happened?" Dad asks me and I catch my breath and so does Caspian.

"Jonathan is back and he tried to come after me but I'm fine. I grabbed my blade out just in time." I inform them and mom and dad hug me tight and Caspian.

"Well this is just great. Not like we're going through enough trouble with Caspian's mom. Sorry Caspian" Dad apologizes "No worries, I'm feeling the stress about all this too." Caspian says and than I realize something.

"Wait, your mom, what if her and Jonathan teamed up?" I ask him and we all run down to the cells and she's gone with a note. Caspian grabs it and sighs.

"Well you were right" He tells me and I read the note.

Dear my son,
Thank you for making me realize just how much I hate you. Especially that you taken me prison, your own mother. I was able to escape with a friend of mine. Your girlfriend may know him, in fact I think he's her uncle Jonathan Morgenstern. Him and I have gotten to know each other secretly and have found a great bond together. Nice seeing you traitor. Love, mom

I look at Caspian and put my arm around him.

"I'm ok, she's nothing to me. Anyways, now what are we going to do? Two of the most evil Shadowhunters have teamed up together. This isn't going to be easy guys. My mother is a monster." Caspian explains

"Well my brother is a lonely guy so that's going to go so well together. Caspian how about you and I team up and figure out what they're after together. Since we both know them so well." Mom offers him "Yeah, I'll help out, I'll do anything to take my mother down." Caspian says and they go and find them on the tracking rune for a bit. If that doesn't work they'll just search their alibis. Josh now comes running in the institute.

"Adley what happened?" Josh asks me frantically "My uncle Jonathan tried to kidnap me but I'm fine. I was able to get out. Caspian's mon also escaped and teamed up with Jonathan so my mom and Caspian are looking for them." I explain

"You're life never gets boring." Josh says "Never, what's up?" I ask him

"Well your dad told me what happened and I just had to check up on you." Josh explains and hugs me and I hug him back.

"Thank you for coming and I'm sorry I didn't call you. It's just been so" "Crazy" Josh interrupts and finishes my sentence for me. "As usual" I tell him

"Are you allowed to go get a coffee with me?" Josh asks me "With my crazy uncle on the hunt for me probably not the best idea sorry." I remind him

"Right, duh sorry, that will probably be the first place he looks is Java Jones." Josh agrees and we go talk in my room so I can relax and paint while we talk.

"So how's Caspian doing with his mom?Well especially now that she's escaped." Josh asks me

"He's worried I can tell but he's using that fear by finding them and helping my family. Basically he's doing what he does best which is helping people he cares about." I tell him with a smile as I talk about Caspian.

"I gotta say it is so great to see you so in love Adley. I'm happy for you, even though I don't like or trust the guy." Josh says and before I say something Caspian comes in.

"Oh hey, sorry I didn't know you were in here. I might be helping your mom for a while so I won't have much time with you lately just to let you know." Caspian sweetly informs me and I put my paint brush down and go up to him.

"It's fine, you need to find your mom and my mom needs to find her brother. You need to do your job." I tell him as I hold his hand.

"And don't worry man I'll keep her company." Josh makes himself noticeable. "Thank you, I appreciate that Josh. I should probably go back to helping your mom. Of course they took off their tracking runes so this is going to be almost impossible. Your mom doesn't think it's a good idea to go into the grounds first because it might be too dangerous." Caspian explains

"I totally agree with her on that. My uncle's dangerous and so is your mom. Not a good combination" I say to him

"Exactly, I gotta go, love you." Caspian tells me and kisses my cheek quickly. "Love you too" I tell him and he leaves but comes back.

"Thanks again Josh, I feel bad about this." Caspian says "No problem man" Josh says and Caspian smiles at me and runs back to my mom. I look at Josh

"What?" He asks me "You're not my babysitter you know." I assure him "I know we just don't want you to feel lonely. Continue painting while we talk." Josh says and I roll my eyes. I gotta say it was really weird seeing Josh and Caspian interact like that but it was also nice at the same time. My best friend and my boyfriend getting along like that.

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