19. Relationship Drama

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Adley's POV
As I'm talking to uncle Alec in the main entrance of the institute about training the kids Josh comes in and just randomly lays on the bench. Uncle Alec and I look at each other and walk up to him.

"What's going on?" I ask him and he sits up and looks at us. "Amanda and I had a fight." Josh tells us and he sits up and looks at us.

"Have you told her you're a vampire yet?" Uncle Alec asks him "Yes, that was what the fight was about. She said she still likes me but is now scared for me and doesn't know what to do so she left to have some space." Josh explains

"Well at least she didn't break up with you, she just needs time to think about it right?" I help him "Always looking on the bright side Adley. That is why I come to you." Josh says to me and I smile at him.

"There's my hubby!" We hear uncle Magnus say in excitement and walks up to uncle Alec and they kiss.

"Thank you guys so much for that." Josh says annoyed "What?" Uncle Magnus asks him

"Josh and Amanda had a fight." I explain quickly to him. "Ahhh, well good luck with that Josh." Uncle Magnus tells him and Caspian comes running over and surprisingly kisses me on the cheek.

"Woah, what was that for?" I ask him "Just wanted to" Caspian answers "Ugggh, I'm getting out of this love fest." Josh says but I stop him as he gets out.

"What?" Caspian asks and I tell him what happened quickly. "Oh, sorry man, you want to train with me it will help distract you?" We all look at him surprised. "What? You're my girlfriends best friend and we need to help each other out, right?" Caspian mentions and I smile at him and he smiles back.

"Yeah, I guess so, fine I'll train with you. My speed will be able to kick your ass though." Josh warns him and uncle Alec, uncle Magnus and I look at each other with smirks. They start walking to the training room but Caspian kisses me again and I kiss him back quick.

"Don't break his bones" I tell him "No promises" "I heard that!" Josh yells and we laugh as they go get ready for training and I turn to uncle Alec and uncle Magnus.

"That was weird right?" I ask them "Very" They both say at the same time.

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