18. I Protect My Daughter

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Jace's POV
I visit Eve in her cell in Idris because I know she sent that demon to me. The guards let me in and I see her in a clear cell and I fold my arms and she stands up fast.

"Jace Herondale, if that really is your last name because you have many. I'm surprise you're still alive." Eve admits straight to my face.

"So that was your demon. You know you terrified my daughter because she thought that she was going to lose me. No one makes my daughter scared, no one. So leave my family and I alone and that includes Caspian because I will admit he has become family. By the way, my strong daughter killed that demon of your's. That's because she's the best shadowhunter in our institute. You go after her again and I will make sure Idris decides to kill you. Caspian will also agree with me." I stand up for my daughter.

"But I went after you." Eve tries to twist "No, you knew my daughter's biggest weakness which is her family but we are also her strength. So you went after me because if she lost me you know Adley would be lost too because you want her to feel the loneliness that you feel. Well we won't let that happen. Leave my daughter alone or you'll get yourself killed." I threaten her and Eve has big eyes.

"So does that mean you're also protecting my son too?" Eve asks me "Yes, you hurt him too and it won't be just me after you it will be Adley as well. Your son has become family to us. We will protect him better than you ever did." I stand up to her and she has nothing to say. She's literally speechless so I just walk away from her.

If she brings more pain and fear to my family that is the end of her. It won't be a pretty end either.

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