15. You're Gone For Good

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Adley's POV
Today is the day that Jonathan and Caspian's mom go to Idris. My family, Caspian and I go see them getting locked up and out of the institute.

"You both are under arrest for putting the clave and Shadowhunters in mortal danger, close to death. For life" Uncle Alec informs them and as the guards walk them away they both come up to Caspian and I. They stop and Eve Ravenkey comes close to him so I take his hand tight.

"You are dead to me son. Which actually you are no longer a son of mine traitor. Have fun with the wrong side of the shadowhunter world. You'll surely regret it later on in life. You'll see, just you wait. It will be very satisfying when the day comes of realizing that they never cared for you. The pain will be real." How can she say that to him?

"No, I'm just feeling glory right now seeing you being put behind strong bars. You'll never get out and you'll never hurt anyone I love or care about ever again. That is a for sure thing. I hate you and I always will, that's the truth. Mother" Caspian tells her off and she looks at him pissed and than looks at me. They walk her away first and I hug Caspian tight but he hugs me tighter.

"You'll regret this Clary! I haven't lost, not yet! I always come back!" Jonathan shouts as he gets pulled away and dad hugs her tight.

"Anyone up for a celebration?" Uncle Magnus asks us

"Not me, I'm going to get some sleep. Can I just have some alone time too, Adley?" Caspian whispers the last part to me. "Yeah of course, I love you Cas." I say to him as I look him in the eyes and put my hand on his cheek.

"I love you too, Adley." We hug not for long and he just starts walking to his room.

We all go out for a family dinner and Caspian is still at the institute. Mom wanted to go to the dinner and I didn't want to leave her alone. As I'm sitting next to uncle Magnus at the restaurant I can tell he's looking at me a lot.

"Hey Ad's, he's going to be ok. If he seems like he needs space just give it to him but if he's pushing away too much, stay with him. Caspian just needs some time. He's been through a lot." Uncle Magnus advises me

"I know, thank you but I'm just worried." I inform him "I know but don't worry too much. That does more harm sometimes." Uncle Magnus helps me and I nod at him.

Life is never going to slow down is it? I hope I can help Caspian out as much as I can. I hate seeing him in pain because I love him so much.

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