14. We Love As We Fight

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Clary's POV
With everything going on right now Jace and I are distracting ourselves by training together. I just can't help but ask questions about Jonathan and Adley.

"Is Idris enough to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone anymore?" I ask Jace as he tries to put his training stick underneath my foot but I jump over it.

"Idris is locked up tight. They've had enemies there that have been there for years. We're safe Clary" Jace tries to relax me and I try and get his hip but he moves quick.

"Yeah, you're right I know but I just worry about Adley. I know she can handle herself but Jonathan is dangerous, the most dangerous shadowhunter there ever has been." I add on and Jace grabs my arm tight and pulls me close.

"If he ever hurts any of us I will be strong enough to kill him. Now that's a promise I will make and succeed at keeping Clary." Jace assures me and I smile at him.

"So are you saying that I'm over thinking this?" I ask him "No, you're just being a protective mother. Something I've always loved about you." Jace tries to kiss me but I flip over him and land on one knee with my hand on the ground.

"Now that was a hot move." Jace compliments me and we throw are sticks up at the same time so they clash together. He smiles so brightly

"What?" I ask him "It's just how much you've grown as a shadowhunter from when we first met. I'm so proud of you Clary." He's so kind

"Well, I had a good teacher." I compliment him back and I smile back at him but he gives more of a smirk now. Jace grabs my leg and flips me over but I catch myself on my feet standing.

"Now that was impressive" Jace tells me and we go at it with the swords.

This Is A Broken Family (Fourth Book) (Shadowhunters) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now