7. Trying To Heal With Your Love

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Adley's POV
I have kept my promise to Caspian and stayed with him, I haven't left once and he's still sleeping on my lap. There's a knock on the door and I look at the door.

"Come in" I say quietly and it's mom. "Oh, hm sorry" Mom says and notices the blanket is covering us. "How is he?" She asks me

"He's been sleeping this whole time. The wounds are starting to look better." Than uncle Magnus comes in with some more elixir's for Caspian.

"His he still in pain?" He asks me and I shake my head yes and uncle Magnus puts the elixir on Caspian. After it sinks into his body he relaxes a bit more.

"Thank you, for helping him." I thank him and he puts his hand on my shoulder. "I do it for you." Uncle Magnus says to me and I smile at him. Than uncle Alec comes running in here.

"Adley I know this isn't a good time right now but we need to have a meeting, now." Uncle Alec tells us and uncle Magnus rubs my head and leaves first. I look at Caspian and whisper to him.

"I'll be right back" I kiss his forehead and go to the meeting and the whole family is here.

"What's going on?" I ask uncle Alec and he looks down.

"Caspian's mom is more powerful than we ever would've guessed. The way she uses magic we found a video of them planning on using Magnus next." I know why

"I think I know why. They know that you would do anything to help me with Caspian so they want to take away that part that would help me. I won't let that happen. They can have me right away." I offer and mom and dad look at me scared.

"What?" They both say "No way Adley, we are not letting that happen." Dad tells me and I look at them.

"Isn't a shadowhunter supposed to help no matter what the price? Well that's what I'm doing." I remind them and mom looks at dad.

"Jace she's right" Mom agrees and dad sighs and looks at me. "Fine but please be careful." Dad let's me

"I'll be back before you know it." I assure him and mom and dad hug me tight. When they let go I look at uncle Magnus and he takes me to Eve and Jonathan alone. I hide behind the door and figure out my plan. Ok, I got this, for Caspian and my family.

This Is A Broken Family (Fourth Book) (Shadowhunters) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now